
Jenkins Asks Wonder Woman Fans Not To Make ‘False Assumptions’ About Sequel

Following Patty Jenkins seemingly teasing that Wonder Woman 2 would feature a new romance and follow the first film’s formula, the director has asked fans not to make “false assumptions.”

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“Quite a few people,” Jenkins wrote in a post on Twitter, “including this headline, seem to be completely misunderstanding or making some pretty false assumptions based on one of many vague quotes I made about something I can’t say ANYTHING about, Just wait. ;)” In a follow-up tweet, Jenkins wrote, “But p.s. still enjoyed the article, and don’t blame the writer for the assumptions that follow.”

The headline in question reads, “Wonder Woman 2: New Love Story Teased by Patty Jenkins.”

In their replies to the tweet, Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott, who worked on Wonder Woman‘s Rebirth iteration, expressed their support for Jenkins as director, with Scott suggesting that she would like to see a more platonic female-female kind of love in the sequel.

Jenkins statement seems to mean that Wonder Woman 2 will not feature a romance after all, though that may change when the movie starts filming in June 2018. Justice League featured a scene indicating that Wonder Woman still loves and pines after Steve Trevor, which seems to imply that she hasn’t had any other major romantic relationship since. There were some reports in July that Chris Pine may reprise his role as Steve for the sequel.

Jenkins’ Wonder Woman, which released this past summer, broke several records over the course of its theatrical run and left theaters having earned over $800 million dollars.

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Wonder Woman 2 arrives in theaters on Nov. 1, 2019 and stars Gal Gadot.

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