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While Dragon Ball focuses on powerful beings like Goku, the powerless citizens often know little about their universe and the dangers around them.
It’s really in their best interest that the citizens of Dragon Ball‘s World are left out of the loop though. There’s no way they’d be able to go on with their lives normally if they knew that Goku and his friends were busy fighting intergalactic aliens to decide the fate of the entire universe. When it comes to being a normal citizen on Dragon Ball‘s version of the Earth, ignorance is definitely bliss.
10 There’s A Dragon That Grants Wishes
The entirety of the Dragon Ball series revolves around a dragon that can grant anyone three wishes, and hardly anyone on Earth is aware of that fact. Of course, it’s better off that most people don’t know.
The select groups of people that do find out about the Dragon Balls tend to be willing to stop at nothing to achieve their goal of having their wishes granted. Villainous groups like the Pilaf Gang, the Red Ribbon Army, and the Frieza Force are perfect examples of what can happen when the wrong person finds out about Shenron’s existence.
9 They Live In A Multiverse
As the tournament of power in Dragon Ball Super revealed, Goku’s universe is not the only one out there. While scientists have pretty much agreed that the multiverse is a thing in real life, other life forms have never been definitively discovered thus far. For the Earthlings of Dragon Ball, aliens are not commonplace, and intelligent life is another story entirely.
All-powerful, intelligent alien beings like Frieza are abundant throughout Dragon Ball‘s universe, even if the citizens of Earth don’t realize it. They would likely be even more shocked to find that aliens actively visit their planet quite frequently in an attempt to completely annihilate life there.
8 There’s A God Of Destruction
If there’s one thing the citizens of Dragon Ball are better off not knowing, it’s about the existence of Beerus. As the God of Destruction, Beerus’ whole job is essentially to destroy planets on the whim, in order to maintain balance throughout Universe 7.
In fact, Beerus would have likely done just that had it not been for the delicious food that the Earth had to offer him. Beerus is a living testament to the fact that sushi and pizza really are some of the best foods in the universe.
7 There Are Superhuman Beings Living On Earth
While most citizens of Earth carry on like things are normal, they are unknowingly walking in the midst of beings capable of decimating their world in a moment’s notice. While they don’t ordinarily look like it, Goku and Vegeta are literal alien beings with otherworldly powers, and their sons Trunks and Goten attend school with other children without drawing any special attention.
Not only that, Piccolo himself was once actually the overseer of the Earth, and was even a demon in the past. As if that weren’t enough supernatural strangeness, there are ex-Androids with enough power to destroy the Earth single-handedly living among humanity rather casually.
6 The Moon Was Destroyed Twice
While the moon is something that’s taken for granted for most people, that’s anything but the case in the world of Dragon Ball. In fact, the moon has been destroyed not once, but twice throughout the series.
The moon was first destroyed by Master Roshi during his fight with kid Goku in the original Dragon Ball series in order to wake him from his Oozaru form. After the moon was restored thanks to a wish from the Dragon Balls, Piccolo was forced to destroy it once again in order to prevent Gohan from going on a rampage in his own Great Ape transformation.
5 Hercule Isn’t The Strongest
While Hercule loves to be touted as the strongest fighter alive, even he knows the truth. In fact, Hercule isn’t even the strongest human, let alone the strongest fighter on the Earth.
Even at his advanced age, Master Roshi would easily knock Hercule out with one punch. Luckily for the champ, the Turtle Hermit prefers a life of peace and quiet. Similarly, Krillin could easily mop the floor with Hercule with zero difficulty, though he’d rather live a humble life serving his community as an ordinary police officer.
4 Their Universe Was Almost Erased Forever
Dragon Ball Super‘s Tournament of Power was held for one reason: to decide which universe could avoid erasure by the all-encompassing powers of Zeno. At a snap of his fingers, Zeno repeatedly erased every single universe that was eliminated throughout the tournament, one by one.
Had Universe 7 lost at any point, all of humanity would have been promptly evaporated as though they were never there in the first place. It was only through the selfless wish of Android 17 that all the erased universes were able to return from nonexistence.
3 Their World Already Came To An End At Least Once Before
Majin Buu’s power was so overwhelming that he was able to kill every single person on the planet in one attack. Lucky for the citizens of the planet Earth, the Z Warriors were able to wish everyone back to life in the end, as they always do.
It can be hard enough for human beings to face death as it is, let alone with the knowledge that they’ve already died once before. That’s not even to mention Future Trunks’ timeline, which was itself completely destroyed by both the Androids and Zamasu on separate occasions.
2 Heaven And Hell Are Real
If there’s one thing Goku knows, it’s about the afterlife. Goku has personally been to Dragon Ball‘s version of heaven numerous times before, and he has also sent many of the Earth’s greatest threats to Hell himself.
What would likely surprise Dragon Ball‘s citizens even more than the fact that the afterlife exists is the fact that people actually return from it quite frequently. Every person on Earth has been revived by the Dragon Balls at least once whether they realize it or not.
1 Their Lives Are Constantly In Danger
During the Cell Games, Hercule was able to convince humanity (and initially, himself) that Cell and the Saiyan’s powers were nothing more than optical illusions and special effects. However, this couldn’t have been further from the truth.
Not only are world-threatening beings like Cell consistently popping up on Earth on a near-daily-basis, but that fact is largely kept a secret from the public. The governments of Dragon Ball‘s Earth seem to have gotten incredibly good at covering up major catastrophic events, and the Z Warriors can always use the Dragon Balls to clean up the rest of the mess that’s left over.