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Bill Watterson’s portrayals of Calvin & Hobbes’ summer adventures perfectly capture everything to love about summer vacations.
Readers connect with Calvin & Hobbes because its creator Bill Watterson presented Calvin’s adventures in ways that resonated with his readers’ own experiences. As the seasons change in Calvin’s world, his activities reflect those changes and draw readers back to their own childhoods. One quintessential part of childhood is summer vacation, and Calvin’s summer adventures make readers ache for the days of their own childhoods.
10 The Days Are Just Packed
In the winter, Calvin spends his time building elaborate snowmen. In the summer, his habits are less artistic and more destructive. Calvin loves surprising people with water balloons (or trying to at least). His victims might be his parents or Hobbes, but most often, Calvin is trying to get the drop on his friend Susie.
In most Calvin & Hobbes comic strips about Calvin’s water balloon fights, Calvin’s plans end up backfiring, leaving him soaked instead of his intended target. In this strip, Calvin tries to be sneaky by planning an ambush. His words take the reader right back to summer vacation, with his innocent opinion that his summer days as a kid are just packed.
9 Summer Days Are The Longest
Calvin is an incredibly active young child, and his parents give him the space to have adventures around his neighborhood and the nearby woods. Accompanied by his loyal companion, Hobbes, Calvin’s summer days are filled with one adventure or game after another.
As people age, time becomes much more valuable to them, and people start feeling like all time needs to be used usefully or efficiently. This strip takes the reader back to a simpler phase of life when an entire day could be used for nothing but imagination and play. Even then, the day would seem too short, but in a more satisfying way.
8 Nothing On TV But Repeats
Calvin & Hobbes comics often explore Calvin’s great love of nature, especially in the summer months when he can run around the woods near his home, having adventures with his best friend Hobbes. Despite his comfort in natural surroundings though, Calvin is a child, and most children really love watching TV.
In this strip, Calvin starts out by appreciating the beautiful summer day and how great it is to be out of school and enjoying his free time. Although everything he is saying is true, Calvin can’t help but see the downside of summer: no new TV shows. Readers old enough to have had basic cable know exactly how Calvin felt from their own childhoods.
7 The Unwanted Family Vacation
Every summer, Calvin’s family packs up a car and drives out to a remote spot for a camping vacation. The Calvin & Hobbes comic stories about these camping trips are always hilarious and often touching, despite the fact that Calvin’s dad appears to be the only person who actually enjoys the experience.
Although he rarely has a good time, this comic strip shows Calvin dutifully showing up for his dad and the trip he has planned. Although Calvin is rebellious by nature, he also loves his parents and tries to be a good kid. Calvin may gripe about the camping trips, but given the love of nature he inherited from his dad, chances are he’ll value the memory when he’s older.
6 Water Balloon Fights
Calvin & Hobbes comics often show Calvin fighting with his neighbor and classmate Susie in one way or another. Although Calvin and Susie are friends, they are both young and Calvin is particularly immature, making him oblivious to how his actions sometimes hurt other people, including Susie. In the summer, Calvin and Susie are most often waging battle with water balloons.
In this series of comics, Susie ended up having a water balloon fight against Calvin and Hobbes. Calvin thought this would give him an advantage since it was a 2 vs 1 battle, but because Hobbes is a toy, Susie simply took his balloon from him. Susie pretended Hobbes was a double-agent, which actually made sense given how much Hobbes likes girls.
5 Do All The Nothing You Want
Bill Watterson is a brilliant artist, but most days, the average Calvin & Hobbes comics didn’t tax his artistic ability very much. Every so often, however, Watterson would use a comic strip to really show off his illustration skills, especially on Sundays, when he had more area to work with.
This strip is a great example of Bill Watterson’s more elaborate art. Watterson has taken the entire space of the larger Sunday strip and used it to create a single panel image of the woods where Calvin and Hobbes are riding in their wagon. The strip is beautiful to look at. Additionally, the punchline, about there never being “enough time to do all the nothing you want” resonates with readers remembering the summer vacations of their youth.
4 Calvin Taunts His Dad
Calvin often gives his dad a hard time. One running gag in Calvin & Hobbes comics has Calvin frequently presenting his dad with approval poll ratings on his performance as a dad. Calvin has also been known to pester his dad while his dad is trying to work, or interfere with his dad’s ability to get to work in the first place.
In this strip, Calvin taunts his dad about how Calvin has tons of time and freedom thanks to summer vacation, unlike his dad, who is on his way to work. Older readers can appreciate this both from their memories of childhood, and the heartbreaking truth of Calvin’s words from an adult perspective.
3 Summer Passes Too Quickly
Most people can recall the relief of being on summer vacation after a full year of school. The start of summer feels full of possibilities, and the free time available seems endless. As the summer passes, however, kids felt the end of summer approaching. As a result, the impending return of rules and restrictions tinge the pleasure of those same summer days with a hint of dread.
This Calvin & Hobbes comic strip captures the feeling of the impending dread of the end of summer vacation perfectly. Although Calvin still has a couple of months left before school starts again, he’s already panicking about how quickly the summer is moving. Everyone can relate to Calvin’s feeling that the good times are passing too quickly.
2 What Day Is It?
Some Calvin & Hobbes comic strips about summer vacation show Calvin trying to cram in as many adventures as he can, or wanting to spend the day inside watching TV. Calvin also, however, knows how to appreciate summer days in a calmer way, relaxing in the sun or under a tree with his best friend Hobbes.
Calvin & Hobbes comics encourage readers to appreciate the simple things in life. Calvin can’t remember what day of the week it is, which is a common occurrence most people can relate to when they’re on a vacation. Calvin recognizes this ignorance as a good thing. It also represents his freedom and state of relaxation while surrounded by a beautiful day out in nature.
1 A Trip To The Beach
For anyone lucky enough to live within driving distance of a beach, summer vacation often involved family trips to enjoy sunny weather on the sand. Kids typically get excited about going to the beach, but sometimes kids’ expectations don’t match reality. Beaches are beautiful, but they’re not always as idyllic as they seem.
Here, Calvin and Hobbes were clearly excited to be going to the beach. The pair were cheering as they ran onto the sand and jumped into the water. Both of these experiences proved to be painful life lessons for the duo when the sand burned their feet and the water was freezing. Calvin wanted to go home almost immediately, and readers can relate both to Calvin’s discomfort and his parents’ frustration.