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One D&D has made some significant changes to the winning 5e formula, many of them intended to fix glaring issues that have long plagued fans.
One D&D is the ongoing playtest of the next edition of Dungeons & Dragons. It builds on the rules of D&D Fifth Edition, using them as a base to refine the game and test further additions to the rules. One D&D has met mixed feedback so far, with many fans disliking the new rules.
However, the reaction to One D&D hasn’t been wholly negative. The game has made significant strides in some areas, including fixing longstanding complaints about D&D 5e. Many players have welcomed some of the changes with open arms, including fans who are pessimistic about the idea of One D&D in general.
10 Background Feats
Backgrounds are one of D&D 5e‘s additions that One D&D builds on further. In D&D 5e, a character’s life before the campaign affects their personality and proficiencies and gives them an additional feature. However, these background features are intensely situational and rarely come into play. One D&D replaces these features with a feat.
If a player creates their own background, they can choose from any of One D&D‘s first-level feats. This lets them choose an ability that both reflects their character’s backstory and helps contribute to their overall build. It also reduces the strict limitations on feats, allowing players to experiment with more unlikely options like Crafter or Tavern Brawler.
9 Rogues’ Cunning Strikes
Sneak Attack has long been a rogue’s defining feature in Dungeons & Dragons. However, One D&D‘s tweaks to it as a feature are one of the system’s biggest changes from D&D 5e. At fifth-level, rogues get access to Cunning Strikes. This feature lets them trade d6s of Sneak Attack damage for additional effects on enemies.
A rogue can use Cunning Strikes to impair them by disarming or tripping them or more extreme moves like poisoning and blinding them. Fans have hailed this as just what the D&D rogue needs. It solves the rogue’s limited combat options. It also perfectly reflects a dirty fighter using any possible tricks to get ahead.
8 Redesigned Druid
One D&D has given D&D‘s developers a chance to address lingering issues in D&D 5e‘s class balance and design. The druid has received subtle changes that should make it more fun to play going forward. Wild Shape’s prominence has been toned down. All druids get an alternate use in Wild Companion from One D&D‘s base rules.
At the same time, the D&D druid’s other options have been expanded. Druids now choose from a Primal Order that lets them focus on spellcasting or weapons and armor. Their new Elemental Fury option lets them deal more damage with cantrips, weapon attacks, or Wild Shape strikes. Overall, the class has become more varied with more supported playing styles.
7 Bard Spell Lists
One of One D&D‘s most significant changes is removing class-specific spell lists from the game. Instead, it introduces Arcane, Divine, and Primal spell lists that are shared between classes. Each class gets access to one specific list with some extras. However, the bard is One D&D‘s exception to this rule.
The One D&D bard, similar to its Pathfinder Second Edition iteration, can choose any one of the game’s spell lists to prepare spells from. Starting at level 10, the bard instead gets access to all three. Although their higher levels may go too far, many fans welcome that level of versatility for the game’s jack-of-all-trades class.
6 More Active Species Abilities
One D&D overhauls D&D 5e‘s race options into new species. Some options have been added, others removed, and all have been modified. One of the most significant changes is in philosophy. D&D 5e‘s races give characters a lot of passive features and proficiencies. One D&D‘s species provide more active abilities.
These abilities range from spellcasting to mobility options to stranger abilities like dwarves gaining limited-time Tremorsense. This helps give every species a niche, particularly in combat. Furthermore, it expands players’ options for builds in One D&D and opens up unusual synergies between species and classes.
5 Wizard Spell Crafting
Wizards are widely agreed to be one of D&D‘s strongest classes across every edition. Few players think they need a buff. Instead, One D&D gives them access to a series of features that reflect their lore. Wizards’ defining feature is that they are the game’s arcane specialists, studying magic as well as wielding it.
One D&D reflects this in other ways than just giving them more spells. Instead, wizards get a series of spells as class features that let them modify existing magic and learn their own version. In effect, wizards can create their own spells by putting a unique spin on others. It isn’t a direct upgrade to wizards, but it does reflect them mastering magic through effort and time rather than inherent ability.
4 Spell Preparation
D&D 5e‘s spellcasting classes are awkwardly split between casters who know their spells and those who prepare them. Whereas D&D 5e‘s prepared casters, like the cleric or wizard, prepare according to a specific formula, the known casters have always come across as arbitrary. This has been exacerbated by the low number of spells that many D&D casters can learn.
In One D&D, all classes prepare a fixed number of spells by level. In practice, spellcasters like the sorcerer and bard still only change their options when they level up instead of daily. Nonetheless, it evens out the divide between casters, with neither the sorcerer nor the ranger lagging behind their fellows like they do in D&D 5e.
3 Weapon Mastery
A longstanding complaint about D&D 5e is the lack of combat options given to martial characters, especially those who lack spellcasting. Classes like the fighter and barbarian can do lots of damage in combat, but their turns often feel repetitive. One D&D has introduced an entire mechanic to combat this in the form of Weapon Mastery.
Martial characters each select a number of weapons at character creation. They have access to the Mastery Properties of these weapons, unique features that make them better. For example, some weapons can deal more damage. Others can knock enemies prone with every attack. Some are better for two-weapon fighting than others. This both helps weapons stand out from one another and gives martial characters more playstyle options.
2 More Balanced Feats
Feats are officially an optional rule in D&D 5e, but one that most tables take. However, they’re both expensive and imbalanced. A player has to give up an entire Ability Score Improvement to take a feat. This ensures that only options like Great Weapon Master and War Caster see play. More situational feats simply aren’t worth it.
One D&D rebalances feats to make standout options less overwhelming and weaker options more valuable. In addition, every One D&D feat gives +1 to an ability score. This makes them all easier to take for most characters and encourages players to try out options that are far from viable in D&D 5e.
1 Reworked Ranger
Most D&D fans have long considered the ranger to be D&D 5e‘s worst class. It suffers from unfocused design and features that simply skip over areas that the ranger should excel at. One D&D combines elements from many of D&D 5e‘s tweaks to the ranger and its own mechanics to create a functional and enjoyable class.
The One D&D ranger gets the beloved feature Expertise to excel in environments of their choice, rather than rendering all challenge null and void. Their earlier spellcasting and features like Weapon Mastery help them hold their own in combat from a lower level. The D&D Beast Master ranger subclass is a particularly significant improvement over its base D&D 5e version.