
Nightwing’s 10 Worst Personality Traits, Ranked

Richard “Dick” Grayson has a long-standing relationship with crime fighting, which has given him time to develop a superhero-worthy moral code. He started as Robin and grew into Nightwing, one of the most respected superheroes in DC Comics. Nightwing fans would say that he stands out as the charming, happy-go-lucky nice guy, who is the ultimate big brother figure.

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Superman once called Nightwing the “multiversal constant;” the one person who remains mostly unchanged across different worlds. It was said as a compliment and with admiration for Dick as a person. There is no shortage of good things to say about Nightwing. But, by digging deeper and moving past the good guy persona, readers will also notice a list of unhealthy and potentially dangerous traits.

10 Nightwing Likes To Show Off His One-Of-A-Kind Fighting Style

Dick Grayson’s early years of life were spent performing in Haley’s Circus as part of the Flying Graysons. It was here that Bruce Wayne first saw his future Robin’s acrobatic abilities that would become useful for crime fighting. Most Nightwing comics illustrate his unique fighting style showcasing big leaps, and mid-air twists and flips.

Always the no-nonsense mentor, Batman has instructed Nightwing that his techniques are unnecessary to the job. During fights, he gets carried away by showboating his abilities and maintaining banter with the bad guy he is making a fool of. His theatrical performance gets the job done, but showing off can be dangerous.

DC’s writers often portray Nightwing as the Bat family’s comic relief. While he is flipping, punching, and kicking his way through bad guys, he is usually shooting off one-liners as well. Dick is great at lending a non-judgmental ear to others, and even then he tends to keep the conversation light with jokes.

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Levity is not a bad character trait until it is used as a tool for emotional deflection. Contrary to popular belief, Nightwing can be serious, but too often he defaults back to comedy to keep from an uncomfortable situation. He hides his feelings behind quips and banter, sustaining this unhealthy habit that leads to misunderstandings and failed relationships.

8 He Ignores His Calling To Be A Leader So He Can Go It Alone

Fans have seen Dick thrive in multiple leadership positions. As Robin with the Teen Titans, he learned what it meant to be part of a team, and as Nightwing, he fulfilled leadership roles for the Titans and the Justice League. He was a mentor in the successful Batman and Robin duo with Damien Wayne, and recently helped guide young superheroes in Teen Titans Academy.

Any reader can see that Dick has a knack for teaching others. His intellect, dedication to the work, and consideration for others make Nightwing one of DC Comics’best leaders. Yet, perhaps as part of his worry of getting too close to others, he usually ends up back in Bludhaven doing the solo act, ignoring what he enjoys and what comes naturally to him.

7 He Puts Work Before Everything Else

Since he was a young boy, Dick’s work ethic has progressed. From working in the circus to intense training and crime fighting all night with Batman, he was molded into a workaholic. Because of his easygoing personality, readers sometimes fail to notice his less charming work-focused side.

Nightwing is dedicated to his work of bringing wrongdoers to justice. So much so, that he carries his work home with him and occasionally chooses work over spending time with friends or his current relationship. Barbara Gordon and Kory have both experienced neglect for the sake of vigilante justice. Crime never stops, and neither does Nightwing.

6 His Stubbornness Knows No Bounds

Nightiwng has strong convictions, and he sticks to them. He is a man with unyielding opinions and can’t be convinced otherwise. Sometimes, those opinions are pushed onto others because he believes that his outlook on right and wrong is unerring. He bristles at any kind of constructive criticism, even from Batman.

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Dick has spent years clarifying his moral code, which is why it is something he will not compromise for anyone. He once refused to date Starfire because it went against his professional code. Nightwing is strict in his beliefs, making him seem like a dictator to his colleagues, and causing tension between them.

5 He Is Too Trusting

Batman was a “do as I do and as I say” type of teacher. Thankfully, from a young age, Dick learned that some things should not be emulated. When Nightwing outgrew the shadow of the Bat, he redefined himself by taking Batman’s best lessons with him, while leaving the worst behind. As a result, Dick became more trusting of others, contrary to Batman’s philosophy.

Nightwing wants to see the good in people, however, there is a pattern of betrayal from those he has put his trust in. He has been manipulated and hurt on multiple occasions by people he gave the benefit of the doubt. Although his unquestioning trust in others has also led to great relationships, he needs to find a middle ground that won’t be taken advantage of.

4 He Likes To Leap Without Knowing If There’s A Net

In his first solo Nightwing series, Dick referred to himself as impetuous. After years of being a student to Batman, who enforced being prepared, Dick established his own way of doing things once he was working solo. His “leap first” demeanor became familiar to his colleagues and friends.

While his quick acting came in handy when saving lives or foiling villainous plots, Dick’s recklessness has sometimes landed him in worse situations. As a hero, Nightwing always found a way to win in the end, whether from dumb luck or skill, but when lives are on the line acting impulsively is dangerous for everyone involved.

3 Nightwing Lashes Out When He Is Hurting

Beginning with his parents, Dick has experienced the loss of family, friends, and relationships many times. He is not a stoic guy like Batman, so during these times of loss, it is easy to tell that he is upset. His go-to coping mechanism is to lash out at those around him.

Nightwing likes to deal with his hurt by purposefully pushing others away with blunt words. In these instances, even for his friends, he does not mince words, but instead picks them apart and uses their weaknesses against them. Dick has stated before that he knows “just what to say” to hurt people. By lashing out, Dick is self-sabotaging his relationships with friends, colleagues, and lovers.

2 Nightwing Is Insecure And Searches For Batman’s Approval

Dick spent years as the Boy Wonder under Batman’s scrutiny. The best was constantly demanded of him, so he worked hard to earn the rare nod of approval or complimentary word from his mentor. Young Dick Grayson’s inner turmoil of not being good enough followed him into adulthood and continues to plague him as Nightwing.

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As Batman’s protégé, Dick is expected to live up to that high standard, which is burdensome. Nightwing confessed in the Heroes in Crisis miniseries that he feels he does not fit in with the other Robins. Dick’s insecurities, and at times low self-worth, have caused him to question his abilities and his purpose as a hero. Heavy is the head that wears the mask.

1 The Ric Grayson Story Arc Annihilated Nightwing’s Character

When Nightwing was shot in the head by KGbeast in Batman #55, he suffered severe damage to the brain, including significant memory loss, forgetting all about Bruce and the Bat-family, as well as his time as Nightwing. Dick Grayson was erased as the quintessential good guy, and Ric Grayson was born a taxi driver with a fear of heights.

Burdened by trauma and an identity crisis, Ric became an alter ego that was dormant under the encompassing guidance from Bruce that provided a path for Dick to become Nightwing. Without that guidance, the charismatic Nightwing was lost, and loyal fans were left reeling.

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