10 Worst Leaders In Disney Films

There are a great many leaders in Disney and Pixar films. Good leaders tend to become Kings and Queens of their people, leading them into a new age of prosperity, while others simply make the world a better place for those around them. However, for every good leader, there’s a bad leader to match them.

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Characters overly consumed by greed, a lack of empathy for those they rule over, or those who think they deserve power as a birthright usually make terrible leaders. This isn’t exclusive to villains or people of nobility, since anybody who’s in charge of any number of people can be a bad leader.

10 Joy Repressed Sadness For Years

As the head emotion in Riley’s memory center, Joy wanted nothing more than to make everyone as happy as she was – especially Riley, who she adored more than anyone. However, what Joy didn’t realize was there was never supposed to be one leading emotion that influenced almost everything in Riley’s life.

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Because of this, Joy suppressed the other emotions, which meant Riley didn’t develop healthy coping mechanisms when she was feeling angry, scared, disgusted, or sad. Sadness suffered most under Joy’s rule, who was never allowed near the control panel. Consequently, she became such an uncontainable force, she became a depression that desperately needed releasing.

9 Yzma and Kuzco Were Selfish Leaders

Yzma only wanted to be in power for the perks. She enjoyed the lavish lap of luxury as people bowed to her every whim. As long as she got exactly what she wanted upon demanding it, she never cared about the people she was supposed to be ruling over in Kuzco’s stead, nor how her leadership would affect anybody else.

Because Kuzco was raised by Yzma, he inherited her bad traits and somehow became even more selfish. He believed he was entitled to the throne because of his royal status. Kuzco and Yzma led the country in their selfish manner for eighteen years until Kuzco finally met Pacha, who taught him how to be a better leader.

8 The Sultan Lived In Luxury While His People Starved

As seen from Aladdin’s perspective, the people of Agrabah are stuck in dilapidated slums struggling to feed themselves, and even the children are forced to sift through trash to survive. Meanwhile, the Sultan lives in a gilded palace, the enormity of which is unnecessary for the small number of people, staff included, who live in it. While his people suffer, the Sultan is often seen playing with toys, enjoying games, or delighting in parades and parties. Having never been among his people, the Sultan doesn’t understand what his people need of him, making him a negligent monarch at best.

7 The Queen Of Hearts Killed Her Own Subjects

When the Queen of Hearts got her way, she appeared regal, classy, and downright jovial. However, her good mood never lasted long. Whenever the Queen of Hearts faced even the most minor of inconveniences, she became a tyrannical monster with an explosive temper that affected everyone around her. Yet, the people who suffered most weren’t the Queen’s enemies, but her own subjects. Whether friend or foe, it didn’t matter to the Queen. She used her own perverse brand of justice to decapitate her victims with a shrill cry of, “Off with their heads.

6 Virana Brought The Druun Back To Kumandra

When invited to Heart in an act of diplomacy, Virana led the people of Fang to Heart’s doorstep under the pretense of peace. However, she was actually plotting a way to steal the Dragon Gem that made Heart so prosperous. By ordering her daughter to steal the gem, Virana started the chain of events that re-awoke the Druun and brought forth the apocalypse.

Having failed to enact her plan, Virana and her people retreated to Fang where they were safe, thanks to their protective moat. While her people lived safely, the world fell thanks to her actions.

5 Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear Was A Tyrant

If there’s any toy with a talent for oppression, it’s Lots-o’-Huggin’ bear, who turned happy Sunnyside Daycare into his own private prison. Whenever new toys were introduced to the daycare, Lotso observed them so he could see if they were tough and ruthless enough to work as one of his top toys.

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Those who passed the test were given the perks of Lotso’s protection, but those who weren’t suffered under his tyrannical regime. Yet, it wasn’t enough for toys to suffer the rough handling of preschoolers; Lotso wanted those he ruled over to fear him as well, which is why he used extra force to intimidate those who might oppose him.

4 King Runeard Angered The Spirits

King Runeard was once the greatest leader Arendelle had, or so its people thought. As it turned out, King Runeard was a monstrous leader who hid his atrocities behind his lies. Under a banner of peace, King Runeard struck down the leader of the Northuldra people. In doing so, King Runeard trapped both the Northuldra people and some of his own soldiers in the newly cursed Enchanted Forest. His actions caused the spirits, which had once worked so closely with people, to fall into disarray. This drove them into a dangerous frenzied state that plagued them for years.

3 Prince John Overtaxed His Subjects

As the younger brother to King Richard, Prince John wasn’t in line for the throne he desperately wanted. So, in an evil plot, Prince John sent his brother into the Crusades to battle, and the happiness and prosperity of England seemed to disappear along with its King.

While Richard was gone, Prince John made England his playground, taxing its citizens until they were too poor to even feed themselves. Anyone who couldn’t pay his harsh taxes suffered harsh punishments. Meanwhile, Prince John lived in the lap of luxury, surrounded by gold he was too greedy to spend.

2 Scar Destroyed His Kingdom Out Of Pride

When Mufasa was king of the Pridelands, he respected the Circle of Life and knew that he couldn’t always take what he wanted. On the other hand, Scar didn’t respect the balance of nature and teamed up with the Hyenas after killing Mufasa, allowing them to do as they wished. As a result, he destroyed the Pridelands. He ravaged the food sources, leaving no time for the impala and other prey animals to replenish their numbers. In turn, this threw the ecosystem out of balance until there was nothing left for Scar to rule over except a dead wasteland.

1 Frollo Set Paris Ablaze Out Of Jealousy

Judge Claude Frollo used his place in the church to bolster his power as the city’s Judge and rule over Paris with an iron fist. He severely punished insubordination in his ranks and took joy in the suffering of others. Having garnered so much power, the people of Paris were too terrified of Frollo to stand up to him, even when he set the city ablaze to find Esmeralda. With nobody to oppose him, Frollo caused immense damage to Paris and its citizens, until he finally fell to his demise after attacking Paris’ heart, Notre Dame.

NEXT: Disney’s 10 Least Successful Villains

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