Gundam Evolution Could Surpass Overwatch 2 as the Next Big Hero Shooter

Games based on an existing property are hit or miss, which goes doubly for games based on anime. For every Dragon Ball FighterZ, there are dozens of quick cash grabs, and the Mobile Suit Gundam series is no exception. There have been several Gundam video games from a variety of genres that released to varying degrees of success. The latest, Gundam Evolution, breaks the mold of mediocrity by not only being a fantastic Gundam game, but also an incredible new hero-shooter in its own right.

Gundam Evolution is the latest in a long line of Mobile Suit Gundam games from Bandai Namco. This game separates itself from other Gundam games by being a team-based first-person hero shooter. Hero shooters have become increasingly popular in recent years and were spurred on by the success of games like Overwatch. Many modern online shooters take some elements from the hero shooter genre. While a Gundam-themed hero shooter may not initially sound like the game fans want, Gundam Evolution excels at every aspect of the genre.

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The game is set to release later this year, but Bandai Namco just wrapped up the network tests for both the PC and console versions of the game. From the network tests alone, Gundam Evolution has the potential to be a major competitor to other hero shooters. The game played beautifully during the network test. That may not sound like a big deal, but in a world where plenty of AAA games barely work at launch, it is amazing to see a game feel complete during the network test. Gundam Evolution worked so well that it felt like Bandai Namco could release the game next week.

Aside from running extremely well on both PC and console, is also extremely fun to play. It is no secret to fans of Overwatch that the game has been lackluster in recent years. There are also few games that feature the team-based shooter style of gameplay as Overwatch does. Gundam Evolution scratches the itch Overwatch fans may be experiencing. The two games feel extremely similar to play, but Gundam Evolution offers a few extra features and a different approach to design.

Obviously, Gundam Evolution and Overwatch are vastly different in terms of aesthetics and themes, but Overwatch prides itself on balanced teams of players fulfilling different roles. However, Bandai Namco has stated it wants players to focus on picking their favorite Gundam to play rather than a specific role. There are no real classes in Gundam Evolution. Instead, each has a wide variety of moves that differs greatly from the rest of the roster. Some are geared more toward healing, while others are better suited to guard.

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However, what sets Gundam Evolution apart is that none of them are restricted in their abilities. For example, Methus, a Gundam that has a heavy focus on healing, is still able to deal a ton of damage to even the biggest tanks like Zazabi. This means that no one is forced to be a support or tank class to ensure the team’s success and can choose to take on multiple roles at once. While playing to a Gundam’s specialties and taking on a certain role may help strategically, here, it is a choice rather than a necessity.

Not only does this create an overall more engaging experience for every player, but it also makes every Gundam stand on its own. It also encourages experimentation with different characters in different game modes. There are excellent pairings in terms of abilities, but no Gundam feels useless when picked. Every character has myriad abilities that will be of use in many of the game modes. For the most part, Gundam Evolution borrows several of the classic hero shooter modes from other games like Overwatch. However, it offers a few new ones like Destruction, where players have to plant bombs on points the enemy hast to defend. Each is fun and feels different from the last, but there isn’t anything that will be a surprise to fans of the genre.

It’s unclear if Gundam Evolution will make a splash in the competitive scene, but based on the network test, it certainly has the potential to shake up the hero shooter community. Given this game’s strengths and the controversies surrounding both Overwatch 2 and its publisher, Gundam Evolution has the chance to provide an alternative to frustrated Overwatch fans while also satisfying long-time Gundam fans with a solid game that celebrates a beloved franchise.

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