Power Rangers UNLTD Reveals What Broke Andros

The Power Rangers franchise has introduced fans to a seemingly endless number of color coded heroes over the years. But, few have made the same kind of legendary reputation for themselves as Andros. This classic leader of the Space Rangers has been a part of the series for nearly 25 years, and in that time his story has become one of the most iconic of all time. Unfortunately, the latest iteration of that tale has introduced a devastating new chapter, that has left the Andros a broken and dangerous shell of his former self.

While the Andros of the comics has already made his introduction in the present, Power Rangers UNLTD: Countdown to Ruin #1 (by Marguerite Bennett, Anna Kekovsky Chandra, Giuseppe Cafaro, Saran Antonellini, Sharon Marino, Fabi Marques, and Ed Dukeshire) explores his past. Before Andros was a Ranger, he and his friend Zhane were the sole survivors of an attack by the forces of Dark Specter. Karone, Andros’ sister, was taken, yet he and Zhane found a new home together with the Space Rangers. Before long, the two were on their way towards joining the Rangers ranks. However, Andros was anything but happy about it.

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When Zhane ascended to the role of Silver Space Ranger, the only person he could dream of having by his side was Andros. Rather than accepting, or even celebrating his friend’s accomplishment, Andros ran. He had convinced himself that joining the Rangers would mean giving up on his search for Karone. Of course, this was hardly the case. When Zhane’s work finally pointed towards a viable lead, Andros made a leap of faith that landed him a shiny Red Ranger suit. Andros also found a renewed sense of hope, one which was fated to be crushed all but entirely.

Once the Space Rangers came into conflict with Dark Specter, there was nothing anyone could do to save them. When the dust was settled, Andros found himself the sole survivor of a gruesome massacre. This crushing isolation was made all the worse once Andros discovered he was stranded upon the ruins of his old home planet. While he has escaped more recently with the help of the Omegas, he is far from the Ranger he used to be. In fact, Andros has already proven himself willing to put those who saved him at risk if it means furthering his quest for revenge.

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Andros may have once been a kind, deeply empathetic figure, but that chapter of his life was sealed in blood before being closed for good. Now that he is consumed by his lust for revenge, Andros can’t even be honest with the rest of the Rangers about what he is after. He has gone so far as to seek out and free the enigmatic Death Ranger, all under the assumption that somehow they will be the key to carrying out his genocidal campaign against Dark Specter’s forces. At this point, the only question left is a matter of how much damage Andros will do before his fellow Rangers are forced to stop him.

None of this is to say that Andros has fallen to the dark side, but rather that he has been blinded by the traumas he has endured. When the emotional scars were left to fester, what emerged was the worst version of an iconic hero. At his core, Andros might still be driven by the same feelings that he always was, yet the way they have been twisted in the comics is entirely unmistakable. Worst of all is the fact that in his current state, Andros has probably already given up on Karone, whether he is willing to admit it or not. Hopefully, that proves to not be the case when the two cross paths again. With any luck, saving each other won’t be nearly as hard as saving themselves.

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