10 Fullmetal Alchemist Characters Who Would Make Great Demon Slayers

Demon Slayer is a “monster hunter” anime where sword-carrying demon slayers are sent all over Taisho-era Japan to slay flesh-eating demons in the dead of night. It’s a tough job, to say the least, but someone has to do it. And Kaguya Ubuyashiki, head of the entire demon slayer corps, is expanding his recruitment efforts.

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Kaguya will recruit anyone from the world of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhoodwho will answer the call of duty, and fortunately for him, more than a few Brotherhood characters have what it takes to train as a demon slayer and take on Muzan Kibutsuji’s demonic hordes. These characters might be soldiers, homunculi, or even alchemists who aren’t afraid of a little demonic action.

10 Alphonse Elric Has An Armored Body

While his big brother Edward Elric lacks the stamina to take on demons, Alphonse Elric is a different story. He’s a boy’s soul transmuted into a bulky suit of armor, and his body will never bleed, suffocate, or starve. Even if Akaza knocked his head right off, Alphonse could keep on fighting.

Alphonse Elric is noisy and a bit slow, but that could work to his advantage and lure out demons who think they can take him on. Then, Al can use his formidable martial arts and his durable body to fight those demons and slash their heads right off.

9 Wrath Is Deadly With His Rapiers

Even the villains of Fullmetal Alchemist could become fine demon slayers if they had the right motivation. Perhaps the demons are threatening Father’s precious sacrifices or minions, so demons must be exterminated to prevent Father’s plan from falling apart. That’s as good a reason as any.

Wrath the eyepatch-wearing homunculus would be a highly effective demon slayer, given his vast experience wielding sabers and his incredible skill in battle. He’s fast, deadly, and merciless, and his Ultimate Eye allows him to see his opponents’ moves with perfect precision.

8 Olivier Armstrong Is Handy With Sabers, Too

Even if the mighty Olivier Armstrong lacks Wrath’s Ultimate Eye, she is still a vastly powerful sword fighter who would fear no demon. In Fort Briggs, survival of the fittest is the rule, and Olivier enjoys testing herself against a variety of powerful foes. These demons are simply more homunculi to dispatch.

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Olivier’s quick, aggressive fighting style will serve her well in the fight against demon-kind, and her incredible courage and strength will only help. She would gladly swap her Amestris ceremonial sabers for a proper nichirin sword with the right balance and a finely-honed edge.

7 Alex Louis Armstrong Sure Is Tough

Olivier’s little brother Alex is a brawny alchemist who blends his sheer strength with offensive alchemy in combat, and he is quite proud of his fighting style. Alex refused to fight any longer in the Ishval Civil War, but he will gladly fight any number of demons while following Kaguya Ubuyashiki’s orders.

Alex could attach short nichirin blades to his trademark alchemy gloves and deliver the beating of a lifetime to any demon, and if necessary, he can bring a nichirin blade to take off a demon’s head to deliver the final blow. He also has a highly durable body to keep up with any demon in battle.

6 Lan Fan Is Quick And Deadly

Prince Ling Yao has two loyal bodyguards, the younger of whom is the trained assassin Lan Fan, a fellow native of Xing. Lan Fan is quick, precise, and clever in battle, which allows her to stand up to Edward Elric and even the homunculi, whether or not she has an automail arm of her own.

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Lan Fan could switch careers and become a stealth-based demon slayer like Tengen Uzui, then use her skills to track and eliminate the strongest demons of all. No demon’s neck would stand a chance against Lan Fan’s lightning-quick attacks with her short nichirin sword.

5 Envy Could Easily Fool Demons

Envy is a shapeshifter who could do a lot of good for the demon slayer corps if he decided that he hates demons more than he does humans. Envy could serve as the demon slayer corps’ ultimate infiltrator and spy, assuming the form of any Demon Moon to get intel out of Muzan’s strongest minions.

Then, Envy could strike when the fooled demons have their guard down and slash them apart with a nichirin sword he kept hidden on his person. Envy has experience using a wide variety of weapons, after all, and he was once seen using a sword. He’d make an unconventional but effective demon slayer.

4 Riza Hawkeye Is A Soldier’s Soldier

Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye usually fights with rifles and pistols, but she could certainly be trained to use a nichirin sword instead. Riza doesn’t like to fight human foes up close, but fighting demons is a whole different matter, and she won’t mind seeing them die up close.

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Riza could put her formidable discipline and willpower to good use as a newly minted demon slayer and wipe out any demons that get in her way. She could also use her scouting skills to find demons ahead of time and form a plan to take them down.

3 Prince Ling Yao Is Good With Swords

Prince Ling Yao should not be underestimated, even if he grew up living like the prince he is. Ling has spent years fighting off assassins, meaning he has sharp reflexes and senses to keep himself out of danger. He’s been on his toes ever since he was a kid, in fact.

Ling could outmaneuver any demon with his crafty ways and his fancy footwork, and he already has experience with using swords. He might annoy the other demon slayers with his whimsical attitude and an unusually big appetite, but when it’s time to fight, everyone can count on him.

2 Buccaneer Always Fights To The End

Captain Buccaneer is one of Olivier’s most loyal soldiers up north in Briggs, and he’s a big bear of a man. He’s not an alchemist or sniper. Instead, Buccaneer battles his foes up close with his automail arm, which is more modular in design than Ed’s is. It’s also lighter.

Buccaneer is tough, tenacious, and bloodthirsty in battle, and those qualities would serve him well if he signed up to become a brute-force demon slayer. He could even use his automail arm as an extra shield if a demon tries to bite or slash him. Not even Akaza or Rui would see that coming.

1 Izumi Curtis Is Fast & Highly Skilled

Edward’s fearsome but caring alchemy mentor, Izumi Curtis, is a powerful fighter who greatly prefers peace to war, but this self-proclaimed housewife would fight any demon that snuck its way into her hometown of Dublith. Izumi is a master martial artist who can demolish any foe, and she can even fling the massive Sloth with her techniques.

Izumi would do well as a demon slayer, and she wouldn’t mind expanding her skills by learning to wield nichirin swords at night against flesh-eating monsters. If she’s willing to take on homunculi to foil Father’s plans, Izumi would be happy to dispatch Muzan’s brutal hordes, too.

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