
10 Most Terrifying X-Men

The X-Men combine the most powerful mutants in the world into one of Marvel’s most potent superhero teams. Each member has trained in combat and the use of their powers, making them into a team as amazing as a unit as they each are individually. The world hates and fears the X-Men and honestly, they have every reason to be scared. Each member of the team is formidable in their own way, but some are scarier than others.

RELATED: 10 Greatest X-Men Comics Of All Time, RankedSome members of the X-Men are legitimately terrifying. Whether it’s because they can end the world or because of the terrible things they can do to someone, the X-Men has a more frighening roster than just about any other superteam.

10 The Beast’s Genius And Amorality Are Frightening

The Beast’s physical powers aren’t anything special, merely super strength and agility, but he’s still terrifying. For years, he was the team’s most jovial member, but that changed. The tribulations the mutants faced affected him greatly, and he became an amoral man, one who would do anything to make sure mutantkind survives.

The Beast is a brilliant biologist who could create biological weapons that could wipe out humanity if he wanted. His grasp of Krakoan biotech and telefloronics gives him weapons with unprecedented destructive power, and his amoral nature means there’s always the chance he’ll do something drastic to protect his people.

9 Archangel Might Become A Monster At Any Time

Warren Worthington III’s time as Angel wasn’t particularly impressive. His original wings were cut off by the Marauders during the Mutant Massacre, and he was saved from suicide by Apocalypse, who gave him new metal wings and made into him the Horsemen of Death. Since then, Archangel has walked the razor’s edge trying to cage the monster inside him.

Archangel has lost control before, and it cost thousands of people their lives. Other times, his wings have acted of their own accord to defend him, slicing through enemies. Even when it seems like he has everything under control, there’s always the chance Worthington will snap and lose himself in an orgy of death.

8 Psylocke’s Telepathy Makes Her A Deadly Assassin

Since taking over her body again, Kwannon has become Psylocke, and is now working with the Hellions. Trained by the Hand and quickly becoming one of their foremost assassins, her ninja skills make her an amazing hand-to-hand combatant. Her telepathy is quite powerful as well, and adding it all together makes her into a deadly assassin.

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Psylocke’s fighting skills are amazing, but her telepathy is what makes her scary. She’s never had any problems with killing, and she can kill with her mind as easily as she can with her hands. Psylocke doesn’t have to lift a finger to end a life. It just takes a thought.

7 Iceman Is A World Ender If He Wants To Be

The X-Men is full of potentially deadly mutants, but Iceman has always seemed almost innocuous. He was the youngest member of the original team and a bit of a buffoon. His powers were always formidable, but they hit overdrive as the years went on. Iceman is easily one of the most powerful mutants on Earth and could cause devastation if he wanted to.

Iceman has been able to freeze the fires of Hell, which is as bizarre as it is powerful. If he put his mind to it, he could freeze entire countries to absolute zero. The only thing stopping him is the fact that he’s a generally well-adjusted person, but anyone that powerful is scary.

6 Emma Frost’s Villainous Past Means She’s Capable Of Anything

Emma Frost is one of the X-Men’s most formidable members. She helped shepherd the mutant race through its darkest days alongside Cyclops and is willing to do anything to make sure her people survive. Her villainous past means that nothing is off the table for Emma, and she has the power to accomplish terrible things.

Frost’s telepathy is wildly powerful, and she knows how to use it in the deadliest ways. Even if she’s not out to kill, she has little problem with completely altering the minds of anyone she’s around. It’s hard to know if anyone’s thoughts are their own around Frost and her ability to transform into diamond means she’s as much a physical threat as a mental one.

5 Cyclops Is One Of The Most Dangerous People On Earth

Cyclops has had a rough life, so it’s genuinely surprising that he hasn’t lost it more often than he has. He’s a master of his mutant powers, able to calculate impossible angles and bounce his blasts around in order to hit multiple moving targets. If he wanted to, he could decapitate a roomful people before they noticed his presence.

Cyclops is a mutant with a tightly wound spring. He’s skilled and experienced, and the one time he did lose control it was mostly because of the Phoenix Force. However, that doesn’t make him any less terrifying. If he chose to, he could kill a lot of people before being taken down.

4 Everyone Is Afraid Of Jean Grey

The X-Men’s Omega class mutants are pretty frightening but Jean Grey takes the cake. Part of that, of course, is because of the Dark Phoenix kerfuffle, something Jean actually had almost no active part in. Even without the Phoenix Force, however, she’s still devastatingly powerful. Her telepathy is second only to Xavier’s and her telekinesis can shatter mountains.

For years, just about every member of the team was afraid of what would happen if the Phoenix came back to Jean. Their fears were unfounded, as she’d mastered the Force like no other, but that doesn’t make her any less frightening. Her powers and passions make her a genuine terror.

3 Magneto Has Almost Destroyed The World

Magneto joining the X-Men was a huge step forward for him. Before he joined the team, Magneto was the most feared mutant on the planet and with good reason. The Mutant Master of Magnetism can end human civilization with very little effort. Nearly everything in modern society depends on ferrous metals. On top of that, he can control electromagnetic energies and wreak havoc with the Earth’s poles.

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Magneto is an extinction level event if he so decides to be. The only reason human society still exists is because Magneto has allowed it to. Everyone knows it and that’s why he’s so frightening. At any moment, he could decide to destroy everything.

2 Wolverine Has No Qualms About Killing

Wolverine is the best there is at what he does and what he does isn’t pretty. He’s been killing people for decades, serving in every major war and as a member of Team X during the Cold War. Weapon X made Logan into a more efficient killer and he’s pretty much invulnerable, his healing factor and adamantium skeleton making him the perfect tank.

Wolverine can kill in multiple ways and doesn’t have any qualms about doing it. He may not be able to destroy the world, but he’s even beat the Hulk in a fight. His berserker rages are terrible, and he’s waded through rivers of blood, and likely will again.

1 Professor X Will Do Anything For Mutants To Survive

Professor X isn’t a physical titan, but his mind is one of the most potent forces on Earth. It’s allowed Xavier to defeat some powerful enemies and keep his X-Men safe, even in the most desperate circumstances. Xavier isn’t exactly a moral paragon and has no problems with controlling the minds of everyone around him. He’ll erase memories, manufacture events, and do anything it takes for his people to survive.

That’s what makes Xavier so terrifying. He can control almost any mind nearly perfectly. There’s no way for anyone to know their own mind while Xavier’s in the world. There’s no way to know if anyone’s memories are true. He can control it all and make anyone do anything he wants.

NEXT: The 10 Strongest X-Men Rosters, Ranked

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