8 Missed Story Opportunities In Moon Knight

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has already moved on to new projects, but Moon Knight is still in the fans’ minds. During six episodes, Marvel fans followed Steven Grant and Marc Spector as they made peace with each other and saved humanity from annihilation. Although it’s very different from other projects in the MCU, Moon Knight immediately became a fan favorite. However, as it happens with everything, it isn’t perfect.

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In fact, it only takes a rewatch to realize Moon Knight missed the mark constantly when it comes to being a proper adaptation inside a cinematic universe. For instance, Disney failed to introduce many characters who happen to be important in Marc Spector’s life. Besides, it didn’t give the fans enough of the Fist of Khonshu. Many lost chances need to be corrected. Hopefully, Moon Knight will get a chance to set things right soon.

8 It Should’ve Teased Werewolf By Night’s Arrival

In August 2021, Marvel Studios announced the development of a Halloween-themed special for Disney+ centered on Werewolf by Night, created by Roy and Jeanie Thomas. Four months later, Gael García Bernal was cast for the main role. Moon Knight first appeared on Werewolf by Night #32, so these two characters have been connected since the beginning, but the lycanthrope wasn’t mentioned in Moon Knight.

Granted, the first episode includes a QR code to download a free copy of Werewolf by Night #32. However, it would’ve been way cooler to have Marc indifferently comment on the time he met a werewolf while Steven freaks out about it.

7 Marc’s Best Friend Never Showed Up

In the comics, Marc has a lot of allies. One of his most loyal friends is Jean-Paul Duchamp, aka Frenchie. A former French soldier, Frenchie worked as a mercenary alongside Marc. When Marc became Moon Knight, Frenchie turned into something like a sidekick for him. He always helped Marc escape throughout their adventures, piloting Moon Knight’s helicopter.

In the first episode of Moon Knight, when Steven goes through Marc’s phone and contacts Layla, there’s another available contact for him to call: “Duchamp.” This is clearly a reference to Frenchie. While fans expected him to show up later on the show, he ended up being nothing but an easter egg. Frenchie is yet another character who Moon Knight should’ve introduced to the MCU.

6 It Lacked A Batman Joke

Since Moon Knight first appeared in comics in 1975, people have often compared this character with Batman, who was first introduced in 1939. Since they’re both regular humans, millionaire vigilantes, and skilled detectives, this comparison isn’t baseless. However, assuming they’re the same is unfair. In reality, their motivation, backstory, and even approach to murder are very different.

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Given that Moon Knight has existed under Batman’s shadow for a while, the writers missed the chance to make a joke about his likeness to the Dark Knight. This wouldn’t have been the first time an MCU character mentions a member of the Justice League. In Eternals, Phastos’ son compares Ikaris to Superman.

5 Randall Spector Could’ve Been A Villain Too

Moon Knight‘s fifth episode revealed Marc’s childhood story as the reason for Steven’s existence. Since his mother blamed him for his brother Randall’s death, Marc created Steven to cope with the abuse. The tragic drowning of Randall in the series is the core of Marc’s trauma. This is very different from the comics, where Randall grew up to become Moon Knight’s adversary.

Always resentful of his brother, Randall betrayed Marc, killing his girlfriend. Marc chased him and mangled him with a grenade. Almost dying broke Randall’s mind and turned him into a villain called Shadowknight. If Moon Knight had included Randall coming back from the dead as he did in the comics, the toll of Marc’s trauma in his life would’ve stung even harder.

4 Fans Thought It Would Introduce Blade

After the successful Blade trilogy from 20 years ago, Disney announced plans to introduce this character to the MCU soon. Mahershala Ali has already been cast, but filming won’t begin until July 2022. This means there’s no news about a release date. However, Ali already had a voice cameo in a post-credit scene in Eternals.

Fans thought the next natural step would be to have him show up on Moon Knight. After all, Blade is one of Marc’s closest allies in the comics. Besides, when reversed, the same QR that allows fans to download Werewolf by Night #32 leads to a copy of Tomb of Dracula #10, Blade’s first appearance. Unfortunately, it didn’t happen.

3 Moon Knight Didn’t Have Enough Gadgets

Besides his money, a very common reason why fans compare Moon Knight and Batman is their use of gadgets. Like the Caped Crusader, Moon Knight includes cutting-edge technology in his fight against evil. For instance, his truncheons have a grappling hook. Besides, he owns a helicopter called the Mooncopter.

RELATED: Batman Vs Moon Knight: Who Is The Better Fighter? While Moon Knight uses all kinds of weapons in the comics, Moon Knight only gave him the crescent darts and a significantly nerfed version of the truncheons for Steven’s suit, clearly based on Mr. Knight. It would’ve been a treat for fans to see Moon Knight use all his best weapons from the comics. Especially considering fans don’t know when they’ll see Moon Knight again.

2 Layla’s Father’s Murder Should’ve Been A Whole Flashback Including Bushman

During the fourth episode of Moon Knight, Arthur Harrow tells Layla that Marc was one of the mercenaries who killed her father. This, of course, isn’t true. Marc explains to her that he was there too, but he didn’t kill him. It was Raoul Bushman, his partner. The series includes a scene posterior to this event, where Marc is about to die, but Khonshu saves him.

Given that Moon Knight prioritized its TV-14 rating, it’s only logical that they didn’t show Bushman’s massacre. However, it was unfortunate that Disney didn’t adapt this moment or include Bushman in the show. After all, they’re central to Marc’s transformation into Moon Knight. Hopefully, Marc will get to fight him in the future.

1 The Show Never Connected To The MCU At All

Unlike any other show in the MCU, Moon Knight didn’t include any old characters. All series before had brought back characters from the films. Moon Knight is the first MCU TV show that only used new characters. This was a welcomed change when considering the tonal shift of the series in contrast with the rest of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Regardless, it also makes the show feel like it doesn’t belong to the MCU, leaving the show in the air a bit. Now that Moon Knight is over, and Oscar Isaac confirmed that he isn’t contractually obligated to remain in the MCU, Moon Knight is at risk of being easily forgotten. This would’ve been avoided if it had included at least a small wink to the MCU.

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