One Piece Chapter 1048 Recap & Spoilers: Twenty Years

The following contains spoilers for One Piece Chapter 1048, “Twenty Years” by Eiichiro Oda, Stephen Paul and Vanessa Satone, available in English from Viz Media.

Chapter 1047 began with Momonosuke struggling to find the confidence to create Flame Clouds. He thought back to the last time he saw his mother alive, which encouraged him to try again. Above him, Luffy was showcasing his ability to wield lightning to Kaido as the two continued to go toe-to-toe. Below Onigashima, the people of the Flower Capital released the Sky Boats, each one having a wish written on it. The remaining samurai became more aware of their situation thanks to Hyogoro, but they stood firm in their hope that Kaido would be defeated. Orochi was able to use his Devil Fruit powers and threatened to take Hiyori down with him. Finally, Luffy prepared a massive punch attack and asked Momonosuke to move the island out of the way, fully intending on finishing the fight once and for all.

In Chapter 1048, Luffy and Momonosuke continue arguing about moving Onigashima. Momo insists it can’t be done, but when thinking about his family, he finds the initiative to headbutt the island to move it. With Momo now trying to move the island, Luffy returns his attention to Kaido. Kaido stands firm, asking Luffy if he knows that Kozuki Oden burned to death 20 years prior.

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As he speaks, flames spout from Kaido’s mouth and engulf his body. He continues his speech, saying that the people of Wano have waited for someone to save them. The heat from Kaido’s fire burns Luffy’s left hand, which was still holding on to the dragon. Kaido tells him that he doesn’t intend on going anywhere. He’s convinced that Luffy’s balled-up right fist won’t come down because he’s going to melt it. A section of his tail touches one of the tips of the Skull Dome’s horns, completely melting it away. Luffy and Kaido prepare their attacks as Luffy thinks back to his training with Hyogoro, learning how to land an attack without physically touching his opponent. They release their attacks, Gum-Gum Bajrang Gun and Rising Dragon Flame Bagua, causing a blinding explosion in the process.

Elsewhere, Kikunojo and Kin’emon are swept away by the rushing water. Usopp is panicking, trying to grab them before they drown or succumb to their injuries, and he begs them not to die. Below the Skull Dome, the samurai cheer Luffy on. Kawamatsu stands among them, knowing that Wano will continue to suffer unless Kaido is taken out.

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In a flashback, the vassals try to escape as Oden boils to death in the giant pot. A gunshot rings out. Orochi tells Kaido that they are going to Kuri to protect Oden’s son, Momonosuke. Kaido watches the pot boil as he says he’ll go after Momo himself. Onlookers beg Kaido to cease his hunt of the Kozuki family, but he knocks them back with his kanabo. Orochi encourages the slaughter of anyone who tries to stop them, and many are shot down by the Animal Kingdom Pirates.

As Oden Castle burns to the ground, Toki is confirmed dead and the entire family is thought to be completely wiped out. Orochi and Kaido confront the Daimyo, asking if they will side with them or try to stop them from taking over Wano. Udon, Ringo, Hakumai, and Kibi refuse their offer and charge forward, fully intending on trying to defend their country and avenge Oden. Kaido launches a breath attack at them, with more samurai backing them up. Orochi laughs at their attempt and watches as Kaido continues to attack them.

The factories are built and the people of Wano are forced to create weapons. All the men eligible to work are taken from their families and enslaved. The water is polluted and the crops wither and die, along with the citizens. If they don’t die of starvation, they die of exhaustion. Despite this, the survivors try to hold out hope that help will come.

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Those pushed to their limits resort to eating what’s left of the defective Smile Fruit, laughing uncontrollably. This amuses Orochi, and he dances at the sight. He believes it’s what they all deserve.

Present-day Orochi continues to burn as he prepares to kill Hiyori, intending on taking her to Hell with him. Just as she seems to accept her fate, she is saved by Denjiro, who slices Orochi’s head off. A panel flashes to one of the Sky Boats with a wish asking for Orochi to disappear. More are shown asking for the suffering to end and for clean water. The chapter closes on Kaido and Luffy facing off in the sky above Onigashima.

The next chapter of One Piece will be available on Sunday, May 15th.

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