Brian K. Vaughn’s Saga Would Make A Great TV Series

Saga, the epic fantasy/space opera comic created by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples, would make for an amazing TV series if it is done right. While nothing has been confirmed, its popularity does suggest that there could be an adaptation coming at some point.

Saga follows the story of two lovers, Alana and Marko, who are from warring extraterrestrial races. Having just given birth to their daughter, Hazel, they must now try to survive while being hunted by both sides of the galactic war. Over the years, there has been much speculation about whether Saga will be seen onscreen. This has also been fueled by Vaughan, who in 2017 mentioned that there could be a TV series or movie in the works in the next 15 years.

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Saga Is One of the Best Comics of the Decade

Ever since Saga exploded onto the comic book scene, it has left its mark and is continuously raved about by critics and fans. At times, it is described as being one of the best, if not the best, sci-fi comic in the past decade. It is a beautiful, raw and violent story about a group of people who are just trying to survive and raise a family in a world that is against them. While it does touch on dark topics, it always comes back to its central themes of found family and love.

Saga has garnered much success and won many awards, including multiple Eisner Awards, a Goodreads Choice Award, an Inkwell Award and others. As said by Image Comics, “The series has become a pop culture phenomenon and has been immortalized with references and Easter eggs appearing in such popular TV shows as Supernatural, The Big Bang Theory, The Simpsons…”

These are among the reasons why this relatable, yet epic space fantasy, has become so popular and why it should, as a result, get an onscreen adaptation.

RELATED: The Robots in Image Comics’ Saga Look Silly But They’re Deadly Serious

Saga Should Be Made Into a TV Series

Saga has all the elements that would make it work perfectly for television. It has an interesting assortment of characters, lots of heart and a compelling storyline that spans years and keeps readers on their toes. While a movie would work if the focus is on just adapting the first volume, potential showrunners have plenty of source material that they can draw from. The comic book series has 57 issues and nine volumes, with Volume 10 returning in October 2022 after a three-and-a-half-year break. This means it could be an ongoing series that lasts over many seasons.

As a TV series, it could also provide an even more in-depth exploration of the ever-present dangers and heart-wrenching moments that each of the central characters goes through. Whoever takes up the task of adapting Saga needs to take their time to develop the characters and get the sprawling world done just right. When there is, hopefully, a TV adaptation one day, it could potentially rival and overtake the popularity of shows such as Game of Thrones. It certainly has the elaborate setting and political intrigue, along with the gratuitous violence, sex and nudity, to do so.

Saga Is Setting Up An Epic Confrontation

Image Comics’ Science Fiction Gem Saga Is Setting Up An Epic Confrontation

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