
Cable’s Resurrection Could Send Havok Over the Edge

The latest actions by the Five and members of the Quiet Council might be the final straw that breaks Havok’s patience over his lost love.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Cable #11 by Gerry Duggan, Phil Noto & VC’s Jow Sabino, on sale now.

One of the biggest revelations about the current era of X-Men comics came with the introduction of the Five in House of X — a group of powerful mutants who, when using their powers in concert, have the capability to effectively help resurrect any fallen mutant. With such power comes some self-imposed limits, which for the most part have helped the island nation prosper. But there have been some mutants who’ve grown frustrated with the practices of the group — most notably Havok, who might take the news of the latest resurrection as the ultimate sign that Krakoa needs to reevaluate their decisions.

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Cyclops and Havok

Since confronting the resurrected Madelyne Pryor during his time with the Hellions, Havok has been furious with the Quiet Council of Krakoa. Despite her nominal status as a dead mutant in an era where every mutant has been forgiven for their crimes and resurrected by the Five, the governing body ultimately elected not to revive Pryor following her latest demise at the hands of Greycrow. Citing her dark history as a threat to the entire world, the ultimate reasoning is argued to be the laws against reviving multiple versions of one person — meaning clones have become a hot button issue. Despite Havok’s attempts to convince the Quiet Council to reconsider their decision, Pryor has remained among the dead.

However, it seems that the Quiet Council is willing to bend those very same laws when they need to. With Stryfe threatening the world in Cable and proving to be too much of a challenge for the current younger incarnation of Nathan Summers that’s currently active on Krakoa, he’s ultimately forced to try and find a way to bring back his more experienced older incarnation — who the young Cable had personally killed in Extermination. Despite the rules about creating copies and the inherent fallout of it, the Five — spurned on by Cable’s adopted daughter Hope — works with Xavier to resurrect the original Cable. The process was successful and quickly lead the two versions of Cable — along with a host of other allies — to work together to bring down Stryfe once and for all and prevent his demonic plans.

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This proves that the rules of resurrection can be played a bit faster and looser than anyone really expected, with the Five expressing few reservations about reviving Cable and ultimately deciding to just bring him back — regardless of whatever possible punishment they faced from the Quiet Council, reasoning there’s not much the governing body can do to them considering their importance for the future of Krakoa and the full restoration of the mutant race as a whole. But it’s unlikely that this revelation will sit well with Havok — as Pryor’s son can be resurrected as soon as the Five calls on it, but Pryor can’t be restored even after months of argument from the veteran X-Man ally.

Krakoa is already on the edge of division — with the machinations of Mystique set to explode in Inferno and other internal strifes slowly picking up steam across the island. Another recent clone death — Scout of the New Mutants — could further escalate the conflict, especially considering Scout’s “older sister” Wolverine is currently a newly elected member of the X-Men. If the Five are able and willing to revive her and Cable, it’s unlikely that Havok will continue to take “no” for an answer as to why his lost love Madelyne hasn’t been resurrected as well.

This also raises more questions about Havok’s place amongst the fallen five mutants in Inferno’s teaser of upcoming events, suggesting the future is bleak for the younger Summers brother. Cable’s resurrection might have just set up even more Summers family drama than ever before — at a time when Krakoa might not be able to survive such chaos on top of everything else happening to the island.

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