
Power Rangers: Jason, Zack and Trini Returned to Safe Haven

In the latest issue of Power Rangers, the Omega Rangers return to a tragic location, which is also the only place where they feel safe.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Power Rangers #7 by Ryan Parrott, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernandez and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

The Omega — Jason, Zack and Trini — were already on the run from their closest allies when they were attacked and forced to touch down on the outlaw world of Onyx for repairs. The fact that the S.P.D. proceeded to take them into custody didn’t make things much better, even if the Rangers were able to escape thanks to an unlikely alliance. With very few options left, the Rangers opt to return to the one place where they still feel safe, although doing so forces them to relive one of their most heartbreaking moments: Safehaven.

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It has been quite some time since the Omega Rangers found themselves on Safehaven. This peaceful world full of densely packed jungle has acted as the home away from home for the Omega Rangers ever since Zack, Jason, and Trini first took up the roles. Along with Yale and Xi, the Omega Rangers have almost always found Safehaven and Eternity Point, their command center located on the world, to be a truly welcoming place no matter what else is happening in their lives. However, it was also on this world that the team lost their fourth Ranger and experienced one of the darkest chapters in their lives.

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While the Omega Rangers were happy on Safehaven for a time, things soon fell apart when Kiya, the Blue Omega Ranger, gave in to her own deep seated fears and paranoias. In one of the darkest moments of Ranger history, Kiya betrayed the team by murdering the Blue Emissary, in the belief that by doing so she was saving the universe by preventing the creation of another Lord Drakkon.

After killing the Emissary, Kiya broke into the vault in Eternity Point where all of the monsters and super criminals that the Omegas had defeated were kept. There she selected several other Empowered cohorts, those like her who had been given incredible abilities by the Morphin Grid itself when it was in crisis, and dubbed the group the Anointed before setting out to eradicate all of the Power Rangers.

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Kiya and the Anointed were eventually defeated after a grueling series of confrontations. However, her actions against the Rangers still serve as one of the most tragic moments in their history, and returning to the site of her betrayal is sure to elicit an emotional response from the Rangers at some point.

Nonetheless, the Omega Rangers currently appear to be in no danger on Safehaven, which is exactly what they need in light of their current circumstances. Still, it is quite telling that the only place in the universe that is now safe for them also happens to be the location of one of their greatest tragedies.

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