
Marvel Reveals That Conan Hates Pumpkin Beer

Conan reveals himself to be a barbarian of discriminating and potentially polarizing taste in the newest issue of the Savage Avengers.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Savage Avengers #20 by Gerry Duggan, Patch Zircher, Java Tartaglia, and VC’s Travis Lanham, on sale now.

Conan the Barbarian has never been one to turn down a drink. Time and time again, he has exhibited a fondness for grog that is unrivaled in the Marvel Universe. Doug Moench and Paul Gulacy’s 1989 Marvel graphic novel Skull of Set opens in a tavern and over 30 years later Conan can still be found predictably perched on a bar stool in Savage Avengers, an ongoing series written by Gerry Dugan with a rotating cast of artists including Mike Deodato Jr, Kim Jacinto and Patch Zircher.

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So far, the barbarian has spent a significant portion of Savage Avengers enjoying adult beverages. In the first issue drawn by Deodato Jr. he and Wolverine wind up pouring beer straight from a keg into each other’s mouths, and the good times continue to roll throughout the series. Conan seems to be on a mission to drink with the whole Marvel roster. He also clinks glasses with the Punisher, Deadpool and Magik.

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In the most recent issue, Savage Avengers #20 drawn by Zircher, Conan takes a potentially polarizing position. He announces that he loathes pumpkin beer and goes so far as to tell the bartender, “never serve me gourd ale again.” Maybe his ancient warrior palette just isn’t used to the sweet pumpkin flavor, or maybe he is just too committed to his rugged persona to allow himself to enjoy the cozy concoction. Regardless of his reasons, his distaste for the pumpkinization of his drink is perfectly clear.

The matron of the bar with no name explains that she can’t be too picky about what she serves. After all, hers is an underground establishment, so it might be safe to assume that pumpkin beer isn’t her first choice either. Perhaps Juggernaut, another regular at the bar, is soothing his angry soul with sweet pumpkiny pints. A bartender would be wary of pouring a character with Juggernaut’s famous temper surprise beers, so it stands to reason that if he regularly imbibes from her limited supply, he has probably voluntarily ordered a pumpkin beer or two. Deadpool seems like the type of hero who would order himself a pumpkin beer ironically or just to get on Conan’s nerves. But even if it started out as a joke, the odds are, Deadpool has become a pumpkin head.

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Dugan’s decision to introduce the pumpkin-flavor fad into the Marvel Universe gives readers insight into the interior lives of the characters and inspires innumerable questions.  Readers can’t help but wonder whether or not another Savage Avenger like Wolverine has jumped on the pumpkin bandwagon. His orange suit establishes at least some common ground with the pumpkin people, but frankly, Logan seems like more of a lager guy. Either way, Conan definitely knows what he doesn’t like. One can only hope the bar with no name has something else on tap the next time he stops by.

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