
Juggernaut’s Power Upgraded the MCU’s Most Anticipated Villain

Marvel’s Heroes Reborn repositions multiple heroes and villains, with one of the MCU’s most highly anticipated figures gaining a major power boost.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Heroes Reborn #1 by Jason Aaron, Ed McGuinness, Mark Morales, Matthew Wilson & VC’s Cory Petit, on sale now

Doctor Doom is one of the single most iconic characters in the Marvel Universe, a major villain whose versatility allows him to combat each and every hero in the world. As things stand, the Fantastic Four’s nemesis is one of the most highly anticipated characters likely to enter the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the foreseeable future. But now, an altered reality has given Victor Von Doom power unlike anything he’s ever wielded before.

And in the Avengers-free world of Heroes Reborn #1, Doom embraces the powers of the Juggernaut, renaming himself Doctor Juggernaut and making him strong enough to face off with even the likes of Hyperion.

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Heroes Reborn Doom Dr Juggernaut

In Heroes Reborn, the Squadron Supreme has been able to become the central heroic force within the Marvel Universe. Through some unknown means, Phil Coulson’s new version of the team — empowered and assisted behind-the-scenes by Mephisto — has effectively replaced the Avengers in the history of the universe. This results in almost all of the Avengers being at best reduced to civilian roles in the world or at worst being targeted by the Squadron. The Squadron has also earned the ire of plenty of major villains, including the Doctor Doom of this universe. In this new reality, the Squadron Supreme — and Hyperion especially — angered Doom by liberating Latveria from his rule and establishing democratic elections, which have resulted in Doom being removed from power.

Doom has sworn vengeance against the team and America as a whole, becoming a chief member of Masters of Doom and seemingly escaping imprisonment in the Negative Zone to lead an assault on the White House. He’s even found the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak — suggesting that in this world, Cain Marko never came across the temple as a soldier alongside his brother Charles Xavier. Instead, the crystal has become one of Doom’s most powerful tools — transforming him into Doctor Juggernaut, increasing his size and strength immensely. Hyperion quickly arrives on the scene and stands up to Doom, proving his own strength by standing up to Doom with relative ease.

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But this also speaks to just how strong Doctor Juggernaut is, that he can withstand laster blasts from Hyperion and keep fighting. In fact, Hyperion’s efforts to defeat Doctor Juggernaut seem to escalate the effects of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, causing it to spread and sprout across Doctor Juggernauts’ body — slowly giving him crystal claws and making him appear more and more like DC’s Doomsday. It’s especially fun to consider how Doom, pitted against Hyperion, is becoming more akin to Superman villains to fight against Marvel’s long-standing analog to Superman. His hate for Hyperion even carries some fury over an “alien” being so beloved over himself, setting up Doctor Juggernaut and his hatred for a powerful caped hero to add elements of Lex Luthor in his character’s DNA.

While it’s exciting to see such a powerhouse version of Doctor Doom — and a warning about how strong he could become if he found the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak in the core Marvel Universe — it also raises some worrying questions about the structure of this Marvel Universe. With so many classic heroes missing or changed by the presence of the Squadron Supreme, it seems like the same may have befallen Reed Richards — with all the vitriol the villain would otherwise have for Richards being transferred onto Hyperion. This might mean that Reed has a far smaller role in this world, which is teased in the final preview page for the event, with Reed seemingly a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. Doctor Juggernaut doesn’t realize that, by fighting the Squadron Supreme, he’s helping the battle to bring his true nemesis back to the forefront where he belongs with every punch.

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