
Godzilla: Dominion Unleashed A Titan DEADLIER Than Ghidorah

In Legendary’s MonsterVerse, while it seems like King Ghodirah was the deadliest Titan Godzilla faced, Godzilla: Dominion reveals a greater threat.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers from Godzilla: Dominion, from Greg Keyes, Drew Edward Johnson, Jimmy Betancourt and Tyler Smith, on sale now.

In Legendary’s MonsterVerse, Godzilla has faced many deadly enemies, from the M.U.T.O.s to Kong to Mechagodzilla. However, his greatest natural predator was none other than the three-headed dragon from outer space: King Ghidorah, who came very close to killing the lizard in Godzilla: King of the Monsters.

However, come Godzilla: Dominion, a prequel to Godzilla vs. Kong, a Titan has been unleashed that’s even deadlier than Ghidorah.

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This story follows a pensive Godzilla swimming across the world to find other alphas who didn’t heed his crowning moment in KOTM, while also checking to see if the ecosystem has returned to a state of equilibrium after he killed Ghidorah.  Eventually, after a couple scraps, Godzilla breaks through an ice shelf and heads to an old lair. But there he senses something’s off as he roars to no reply, only to be suddenly attacked by the purple serpent, Tiamat.

It’s a giant mix of an eel and snake, with the face of a dragon ironically, and it proves to be quite a threat. The Titan coils her body around Godzilla and drags him underwater, with razor-sharp scales cutting into his thick skin. He tries a headbutt but Tiamat expels a blinding mist into the water, living Godzilla in pain. Luckily, he can use his other senses to form an infrared picture of the serpent so that she can’t sneak up behind him. However, Tiamat is too strong and way too quick, wrapping around him like an anaconda, pulling him even deeper.

Tiamat neutralizes him in a way Ghidorah couldn’t because the lizard was still able to whip its tail and shoot atomic blasts at the dragon. Here, though, Godzilla’s a sitting duck but just as Tiamat seems to have the upper hand and is about to kill him, she makes the mistake of going into a tunnel. It turns out to be an air pocket, which gives a relieved lizard the option of fighting on a land mass again.

RELATED: Kong: What REALLY Happened Between Skull Island and Godzilla vs. Kong

Despite biting his neck as they surface and once more using her scales to cut him, he’s able to use his tail, smack her around and pull off some signature stomps on her head and body. He’s got the higher ground, and seeing as the sea snake is on his territory, despite Tiamat roaring in defiance, she knows she’s beaten.

He roars even louder to let her know he’s the one and only alpha and that while she might have missed the message in KOTM, this is him staking his dominance now. As a result, Tiamat slithers back into the water, leaving Godzilla grateful the fight didn’t go to the bottom of the ocean as he’d have been blind, cut up and possibly drowned after tiring from the unforgiving brawl.

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