
The Fate of Andros the Red Ranger is Still a Mystery

The Omega Power Rangers have just learned even more about Astronema’s tragic origin, and it has opened up the door for a classic TV Ranger to return.

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Power Rangers #6 by Ryan Parrott, Francesco Mortarino, Simone Ragazzoni, Raul Angulo, Jose Enrique Fernandez, Igor Monti, Sabrina del Grosso and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

The Power Rangers have had some incredible allies over the years, which is especially helpful, considering how often they face threats that can destroy entire worlds. When the stakes are higher than ever before, the line between ally and enemy becomes blurred, and the Omega Rangers have been left relying on some truly despicable villains.

Moreover, the Rangers have just learned the surprising origin of their newest nemesis in Power Rangers #6.

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Power Rangers #6 opens with a retelling of Astronema’s earliest days when she was happy and wanted for nothing thanks to her family’s supposed dedication to Dark Specter. Much like her origin from Power Rangers in Space, Astronema, then Karone, spent most of her days playing with her brother Andros. The two would practice their telepathy together until the day that the Power Rangers came to slaughter everyone they could get ahold of in an atrocious act of terror. Not only was this the day that Astronema was brought to Ecliptor to be raised as his own, but it also was the day that she and Andros lost their parents and became separated from one another.

In the original series, Andros and his best friend Zhane joined their home world’s army in the hopes of becoming Rangers and finding Karone. It wasn’t the Power Rangers who left the two of them orphaned, but rather Darkonda, who had attacked that day and left with Karone in his possession. As Ecliptor tells the story, Darkonda merely rescued Karone from what would have otherwise been a tragic fate, even though it is revealed in the flashback that a silhouetted figure, who can only be assumed to be Andros, watched as everything transpired. This would line up with Andros’s television origin if this turned out to drive him down the same path in the comics, though the likelihood that he is already a Ranger in this timeline is not nearly as good.

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Even though Andros might not be a Ranger in this version of the story, it’s only a matter of time before he shows up. With any luck, Andros will be able to shed some light on what really happened to his and Astronema’s family. Whether or not she will be willing to hear him out after a lifetime of indoctrination and training under the forces of Dark Specter is far less predictable. Then again, that might be the most exciting prospect of Andros’ potential return there is.

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