
Marvel’s Otherworld Is Better Than Krakoa for One New Mutant

A newly introduced mutant is embarking on a potentially vital quest for Krakoa — and finding new potential allies for the mutant nation.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for New Mutants #17 by Vita Ayala, Rod Reis & VC’s Travis Lanham, on sale now

The current era of Krakoa has forced the mutants of the core-Marvel Universe to adapt to an ever-changing universe, reflecting different relations with different groups. In some cases, this has meant jeopardizing alliances with other heroic figures and entities. But sometimes, mutants can take it upon themselves to bring a bit more positive attention to Krakoa.

A fresh-faced mutant just took on a potential vital position for Krakoa — venturing into the mystical realm to map it and more or less serve as a mutant ambassador to Otherworld.

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In New Mutants #16, Josh — a fresh young mutant who was introduced during the events of Age of X-Man — ventured into Otherworld with some of his friends. After being scared by Jamie Braddock, his fellow mutants retreated to Krakoa in a panic. Josh remained behind and earned the approval of Jamie, with the King of Avalon presenting him a steed and supplies with which he could explore Otherworld. Fearing for their student (especially now that Krakoa knows to die in Otherworld means one can’t be revived normally by the Five), Mirage and Karma ventured into Otherworld to retrieve him. Their mission dragged them across multiple realms and into the middle of a conflict between Merlyn and Roma.

Finally arriving in Sevalith — Kingdom of Blood and Darkness — the two New Mutants find Josh mid-deal with a vampiric-looking figure. Initially, they fear their student has been corrupted or coerced in some way. But in reality, Josh and the vampire are actually pretty good friends. Josh reveals that his travels have been very fruitful, earning him friends all across Otherworld. He’s decided that he likes the realm so much that he’s even elected to remain there, regardless of the risk it poses to any sudden resurrection he would require. Explaining that he still hadn’t adjusted to technically being immortal, he sees having one life to live as a normal sort of experience he’s okay embracing.

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Josh has no desire to be special or to draw attention to himself, as he feels the mutants of Krakoa have a habit of doing.  Josh just wants to be Josh, and he believes Otherworld is the perfect place to do that. Dani accepts this decision (albeit with some reluctance), with Josh agreeing to check in once a month with Krakoa to make sure she knows he’s safe. Moreover, he also has a number of little relics that can open a portal to Avalon instantly, giving him the ability to suddenly return to friendly territory with ease. Josh then reveals something potentially more vital about his role in Otherworld — that he intends to make a map of Otherworld that can be used by other mutants whenever they have to venture into Otherworld.

By doing so, Josh could help create a near-priceless item for the denizens of Earth to have, especially while Otherworld remains somewhat in flux and with multiple rival kingdoms. Notably, this also more or less makes Josh an unofficial ambassador for Krakoa, helping spread positive views of mutants in the mystical realm. His friendly attitude has already been effective at this, with multiple sources around Otherworld referring to him as a charming and dashing young man. He’s even shown getting through to his vampiric friend, reminding him that the term “Witchbreed” is technically offensive. With Josh’s help, mutants could become accepted in Otherworld, giving them a safe haven.

Otherworld is potentially one of Krakoa’s most important allies, with the External Gate and the Avalon Gate being prime ways to breach the powerful mystical realm. Having more friends in these areas is always an ideal development — especially considering how many Earth-bound threats there are to Krakoa. In volunteering for this role, Josh might be setting himself up to become a pivotal mutant figure for Krakoa.

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