
Kindred Brings a Major Villain Into His Sinister War

Kindred might be trapped in a Dark Force cage, but he is still building an army and just brought in a major villain for his Spider-Man Sinister War.

WARNING: Spoilers follow for Amazing Spider-Man #64 by Nick Spencer, Federick Vicentini, Alex Sinclair & VC’s Joe Caramagna, on sale now.

Kindred is preparing for his next big move, and while Baron Mordo is torturing him under the orders of Wilson Fisk, the demon seems to be building up an army.

Kindred has called on several villains to help him, bringing both Mysterio and Sin-Eater back from the dead. While Mysterio seems to have turned over a new leaf and is currently friends with Mary Jane Watson, Sin-Eater took his own life after realizing the futility of his mission. Now, Kindred has called on one of the most famous Spider-Man villains of them all — Doctor Octopus.

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Kindred has been locked away in a Dark Force cage since Wilson Fisk used The Spot to entrap him. However, despite being locked away, unable to move or speak, Kindred has been working anyway, using his centipede-type creatures to do his bidding. He attacked Carlie Cooper when she learned there was an extra body at the scene of the Kindred party in the cemetery. She never told anyone about the body and hasn’t been seen since Kindred attacked her. Now, he has lured Doctor Octopus to the cemetery and said they would soon all be together.

Baron Mordo and Kindred

The reveal of Doctor Octopus came when he arrived in a cemetery and went to a grave. He launched a tentacle into the ground and yanked out the casket. After tearing off the lid, Otto Octavius looked into an empty casket. He has been searching for the gaps in his memory, and those memories led him to an empty grave. When he called it another dead end, a voice spoke to him. Kindred said everything would make sense soon, and then one of the centipedes crawled into Doc Ock’s ear. He screamed in pain and fell to the ground, with Kindred saying it was all part of the process and it was “our own little hells.” After this, the issue ended promoting the Sinister War, coming in July.

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Doctor Octopus became a great hero in Marvel Comics for years as Superior Spider-Man. This all ended in 2019 in the Superior Spider-Man series by Christos Gage, Mike Hawthorne & Wade von Grawbadger. Superior Spider-Man was in a battle with an alternative Earth’s Norman Osborn, and in Superior Spider-Man #11, he admitted that Osborn is ruthless and Superior Spider-Man is not. He believed he couldn’t win as a hero, and he called out to Mephisto and made a deal with the devil. He believed he could only beat Norman Osborn as Doctor Octopus. He agreed to allow Mephisto to revert him to Doctor Octopus, free of all disease, physical and mental, including the memories of Peter Parker. He agreed, and Doctor Octopus returned.

Doctor Octopus

Doctor Octopus came back with holes in his memory. Mephisto claimed Octopus would be free of all mental disease, but his memories connected with Peter Parker were gone. He still seemed to be a good person at heart when his Superior Spider-Man series ended, but he also had the arrogance of Otto Octavius. Now, it seems that Kindred wants him. With the storyline titled Sinister War, one wonders if it is Spider-Man that Kindred is interested in anymore. The Sin-Eater seemed to cure Norman Osborn completely of his evil, so there is no reason for Harry to want to hurt his dad either.

However, Sinister War sounds like the return of the Sinister Six. With Harry, Mysterio and Doctor Octopus in the mix, there could be three more brought into the fight. The question is, what does Sinister War mean? Could Harry lead the six villains into battle with Spider-Man again, or is this a bigger war, maybe one between former Sinister Six members? Hammerhead has been working with Wilson Fisk, Boomerang is a good guy now and Tombstone is involved in a major storyline with Robbie Robertson as they hunt down Madame Masque. There are plenty of other villains available, and the return of Doctor Octopus to Spider-Man comics is only the beginning.

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