
How Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura Pushed the Jedi Code to the Limit

In the Star Wars story “Tides of Terror,” Kit Fisto keeps Aayla Secura alive with a passionate kiss that appears to lead to a future romance.

Anakin Skywalker and Padmé’s forbidden relationship is one of the most important driving forces in the Star Wars Prequel trilogy. The Jedi Code teaches early on that these types of relationships are more than taboo, they are forbidden. Yet, many Jedi seem to fall victim to the power of seduction. While there are some special circumstances that allow this rule to bend, (Ki-Adi-Mundi’s multiple marriages) most Jedi were not permitted to take on relationships. While Anakin and Obi-Wan’s love lives may have become common knowledge for Star Wars fans over the years, Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura may have had a hidden relationship of their own.

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In 2002’s Star Wars Tales #14, the story “Tides of Terror” by David Land, Adriana Melos, Fabio Laguna, Steve Dutro, and Chris Blythe depicted the two Jedi stationed on Kamino after the Battle of Geonosis. Fisto and Secura were responsible for training the clone troopers. Unfortunately, there’s a darker presence within the cloning facility as a squad of Clone Troopers were infected with a deadly nanovirus that left them dead. The Jedi were safe from the virus as it only targets clone DNA. The two Jedi took their findings to Sayn Ta, the master cloner.

Related: Star Wars: Jedi Master Kit Fisto Nearly Defeated General Grievous But Chose Not to

Kit Fisto and Aayla Secure Kiss

Tragedy strikes quickly after Fisto and Secura report their findings to Ta. A spy for the Separatists was implanted at the Cloning Facility. The pair are too late in stopping the traitor from killing Sayn Ta, but that gives Fisto an idea of who is responsible. Ta’s apprentice has been bought off by the Separatists and is protected at the facility by a squad of Super Battle Droids. The two Jedi engage Ta’s apprentice in battle before yet another mishap.

Fisto is able to destroy the traitor’s ship but it lands on top of Secura, sending her to the ocean depths below. Fisto can breathe underwater and dives in after his partner. He frees her from the wreckage, and the two embrace in a passion-filled kiss that allows Fisto to breathe for Secura. The two are able to defeat the traitor who inevitably kills himself. Fisto and Secura interchange some flirtatious banter as she thanks him for saving her life.

Related: Star Wars: Why Aayla Secura’s Order 66 Death Was So Brutal

While it is never specifically stated that the two are romantically involved, there is enough subtext in this story to argue the case. The two do not share a lot of scenes together in other Star Wars publications. Both Fisto and Secura only briefly appeared in the main Star Wars installments, so their stories had to be fleshed out in other Star Wars media. The two seem to go their separate ways, only meeting up occasionally in The Clone Wars to stop dangerous threats. Other comics have shown that the two stayed close and in contact with one another. Fisto would take on a couple of padawans before being recruited to Mace Windu’s team. Secura would go on to lead her own squadron of clones. Both of these new assignments would spell out the death of these heroes.

Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura’s relationship differs greatly from the romantic relationships of Anakin and Obi-Wan. Anakin and Padmé’s relationship is what truly sets the Star Wars movies in motion. If Anakin had never fallen for Padmé then he never would have feared losing her, and potentially would not have fallen prey to Palpatine’s tactics. Obi-Wan on the other hand has had an alarmingly high number of romantic interests. This is especially concerning when compared to his handling of Anakin’s relationship with Padmé.

Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura Flirt

Obi-Wan’s most famous involvement comes in The Clone Wars where he develops a hidden relationship with Duchess Satine Kryze. Obi-Wan met Satine at a young age, much like Anakin when he met Padmé for the first time. He even considered leaving the Jedi Order to be with her, but their feelings for each other would be their downfall. Darth Maul was aware of Kenobi’s feelings and used them against him by executing Satine in front of Obi-Wan. The Jedi Apprentice books by Jude Watson introduced a few other Kenobi love interests. Kenobi actually did leave the Order for a few months to be with his first love, Cerasi. Cerasi would die tragically to a sniper, causing Obi-Wan to realize the relationship was a mistake. He would later question leaving the order again to be with a fellow padawan named Siri Tachi, but the two were separated by the Jedi Council before it got too far.

All of these relationships truly cause one to question the Council’s response to Anakin’s relationship. His mentor had fallen prey many times over to the power of seduction but the Council still elected to make him a master and work with him through his issues. If Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura were actually romantically involved, there is no way they could have kept it a secret from the rest of the Jedi. Though it is possible that the two were separated for this very reason. The Jedi should have been well versed in this issue enough to handle Anakin’s situation in a more delicate matter.

KEEP READING: The Clone Wars: How the Death of Duchess Satine Changed Obi-Wan

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