
Jonathan Kent Has a GRIM Warning for the Man of Steel

In Superman, Jonathan Kent has a vital piece of information from the future, and it could change everything for the original Man of Steel.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for the story “The Golden Age: Part One” from Superman #29 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur, HI-FI & Dave Sharpe, on sale now

Superman has almost always been one of DC’s most powerful figures, fighting against the likes of monsters and aliens to protect humanity and the DC Universe as a whole. However, it looks like the clock is ticking for the Man of Steel.

In Superman #29, Jon Kent just revealed to his father that he knows when Superman’s death is coming, and it might be sooner than he could have realized.

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Superman Jonathan Kent Death Warning

Over the last year, there have been numerous hints that Jon Kent is poised to take his father’s place as Superman. Future State revealed that Jon will one day take up the mantle and prove his father right, with Wonder Woman even convincing the judgemental Spectre that he could become a worthy Man of Steel. But this knowledge also seems to be weighing on Jon, who admits as much to his father during Superman #29. After confronting an invasive alien species that crawls out of a rift to another dimension, Superman is shockingly injured by a blast from the creatures, with the unique radiation allowing the blast to draw blood from the normally invulnerable hero. While Jon is unaffected by the radiation likely due to his half-human status, he shows a genuine fear for the creatures and the effect their energy has on his father.

After the battle, Superman spends some time flying around with his son, where he learns that the pressure of becoming Superman has been tearing at Jon. With tears in his eyes, Jon reveals his belief that he’s not ready to take over for his father. Although Superman initially tries to offer him reassuring words, Jon explains that this comes from a place of true knowledge: while in the future with the Legion of Superheroes, Jon learned a bit about how the present-day apparently plays out in the long run. This includes the discovery that Superman’s confrontations with the other-dimensional beings plays a part in the day Superman is apparently supposed to die.

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Jon admits to his father that his time is almost up according to the future and that the day is rapidly approaching where Superman will seemingly die in the line of duty. In his place, Jon will have to rise up as the new Superman. But even with this warning, Superman still flies head-first into danger, especially as the Kryptonian-robot Kelex identifies that S.T.A.R.S. Labs have been experimenting with the dimensional rift as the aliens break back into the core DC Universe. What makes Superman such an inspirational figure is that he flies into danger, even when he has few actual options in terms of physical strength. Regardless of whether his invulnerability is reduced or countered, Superman will throw himself into any challenge if it means stopping threats or saving lives.

However, it looks increasingly like doing so will be the ultimate end for Superman. While Clark Kent has died and been revived before — and could do so again — it could mean that his time as Superman might be finally drawing to a close. Future State teased that some action by Clark Kent resulted in his exile from Earth, which could be seen as a symbolic death for the character. However, Jon’s tears imply that he genuinely fears his time with his father is running short. Whether the full power of these mysterious aliens is enough to endanger the Man of Steel or S.T.A.R.S. Labs’ research into the radiation turns deadly for Superman, the Man of Steel may already be in the fight of his life.

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