
The Most Powerful Superheroes About to Hit Netflix

The heroes of Jupiter’s Legacy are about to take the power level of live action superhero shows to a whole new level.

The heroes of Jupiter’s Legacy are considerably different from most of the caped crusaders fans of superhero television will likely recognize. Whereas many super powered worlds like The Boys set up Superman-like figures with super strength, invulnerability, and flight forming an unbeatable trifecta, the characters of Jupiter’s Legacy and Jupiter’s Circle treat those powers as a baseline.

There are muscles and astonishing feats of durability to spare, but the fights between the heroes and villains rarely involve a simple slug fest that proves who the best brawler is. Instead, they get a fair bit more creative, utilizing tactics and different power sets to create a game of rock-paper-scissors that leaves the question of who is the most powerful a bit more open ended. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to figure out. Looking at the five most powerful characters in Jupiter’s Legacy makes it clear that the superhero power scale on television is about to be raised to a whole new level.

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Chloe Sampson

Initially an unambitious party girl content to binge away her days as a superhero celebrity, Chloe undergoes one of the biggest and most meaningful arcs in Jupiter’s Legacy. As the daughter of the Utopian and Lady Liberty she had quite the reputation to live up to, but it was not until her pregnancy and escape from a tyrannical government that she really began to do so. When she finally stepped up, Chloe revealed that she was one of the most powerful heroes in the world.

Gifted with super strength, speed, and durability Chloe additionally had telekinetic powers, a supersonic scream and super senses. Her senses were so keen that she could hear her child’s cry for help from miles away, creating a storm in her wake as she rushed to him. The Molecule Master nearly ranked among the five most powerful characters due to his complete control over the molecular structure of his environment, but Chloe defeated him so soundly that it put her firmly ahead of him in the rankings.

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On top of the Molecule Master another notable absence from the top power rankings is Raikou, the psychic ninja capable of foreseeing any attack and locking her opponents in psychic paintings of their own design. But characters we know very little about are hard to quantify, and at the end of the day Raikou just wasn’t as strong as the man who beat her: Repro. Repro was a dangerous super villain locked in a prison and put on display as a warning to others, and when he finally gets  free it’s easy to understand why.

Capable of reproducing the powers of those around him (thus his name) Repro was able to turn Raikou’s powers against her. He even retained her powers later when he battled her father, each of them descending through layers of psychic realities as they dueled on the physical plain as well. It’s entirely possible that Repro could gain a top spot in the future, but because of his limited time in the spotlight, he places firmly in the middle.

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Brainwave proves more than anyone how muscle isn’t everything, combining his genius intellect and cunning with potent telepathic and telekinetic abilities to become one of the major threats of the series. Initially believed to be as heroic as his brother the Utopian and his fellow friends in the Guild, Walter Sampson’s ego begins to take over and he demonstrates the true makings of a supervillain with the powers to match.

He traps others in combat on psychic planes even more effectively than his daughter Raikou, and bests Repro in their mind bending duel. He brings planes out of the sky, induces aneurisms on sight, and provides a telekinetic shield bubble that defends him from attacks and teleportation rays alike. He even takes punches from some of his world’s heaviest hitters, and it’s hard to imagine he still doesn’t rank as Jupiter‘s most powerful force.

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It’s clear that the heroes and villains aren’t always so easy to sort out in a world like this and Skyfox is possibly the greatest example. Deciding whether he is a hero or a villain is almost as hard as deciding whether his powers or his intellect are his greatest asset. Skyfox is capable of reproducing his ally’s powers with inventions made from kitchen supplies just as easily as he can go toe-to-toe with them in a scrap, and he is definitely a force to be reckoned with.

Throughout much of his life it would take the entirety of the Guild to compete with him, and they seemed to be the only ones who could even slow him down. Earbuds of his own invention could render Brainwave’s influence useless on him, and at various points Skyfox uses his telekinesis to blast through feet of concrete and construct complex inventions in mere moments. There’s really only one other figure who can edge him out for the top spot.

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While much of the power scaling in the world of Jupiter’s is a complicated interplay between different abilities, at the end of it all Utopian proves there’s just no substitute for raw power. Capable of flying 170 million miles in just three hours, hitting a hole-in-one from Earth to the Moon, and creating a telekinetic bubble of air he maintains around a human even as he plows through miles of stone with his hands miles away there’s just no question here. Nobody comes close to the Utopian.

It’s to the world’s benefit that he is such a benevolent force, but ultimately even he proves to have his limits. At the start of the series his brother, Brainwave, conspires with the rest of the heroes of the world to overpower the Utopian through sheer numbers. They swarm him with dozens of different heroes pummeling him at once before his own son delivers the coup de grace. The death proves that even the mightiest are not completely invulnerable, and as powerful as someone is they need the wits to accompany it if they really plan to survive.

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