
Star Trek: How Comics Expanded Star Trek: Discovery’s World

Star Trek: Discovery ushered in a new era for the final frontier, and the tie-in comics from IDW Publishing only made that landscape even wider.

It’s been nearly four years since Star Trek: Discovery burst onto the small screen and into the hearts of fans worldwide, bringing them on a voyage through space and time with a crew they’d never seen before. As the first new series in the Star Trek franchise in over a decade when it premiered, there were big expectations that it lived up to in spectacular fashion, becoming one of the most streamed shows of the year.

While the adventures of the crew of the Discovery have primarily happened in front of the cameras, the various IDW series and one-shots proved that there is always so much more to discover out in the final frontier.

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Star Trek: Discovery – The Light of Kahless

In 2017, The Light of Kahless by Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson and Tony Shasteen begins on the wreckage of the Klingon T’Kuvma’s flagship, where L’Rell tells Voq the story of how T’Kuvma became a leader among his people from starting out life as a relatively meek child and why they were so willing to follow him to their deaths. T’Kuvma underwent harsh trials in the worst environments, all in the effort of seeing the Light of Kahless itself, a sign of someone being their sacred being reborn as a worthy Klingon who will reunite their people. The rise and fall of T’Kuvma is at every point a brutal display of Klingon politics and faith the informs the show’s first season.

Star Trek: Discovery Annual 2018

The 2018 Star Trek: Discovery Annual by Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson and Angel Hernandez dug deep into Discovery history to break down how the mycelial network that transports the ship was originally discovered and cultivated. Aside from the science fiction biotech that is the silent star of the issue, this annual also shines a spotlight on how Science Officer Lieutenant Stamets not only found the love of his life in Doctor Culber, but the drive to put aside his own prejudices and join Starfleet in the first place.

Star Trek: Discovery – Succession

In 2018, Stare Trek Discovery: Succession from Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson and Angel Hernandez followed after the events of the first season of the main series, though it doesn’t follow the crew that fans know and love. Rather, this series focuses on the events in the Mirror Universe that the primary Discovery crew had just left. In the wake of Terran Emperor’ Georgiou’s apparent death, her previously unmentioned cousin Alexander claims her power for himself. However, this world’s Michael Burnham has returned seemingly from the dead to lead the Terran Empire in a different direction.

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Star Trek: Discovery – Captain Saru

This 2019 one-shot also by Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson, and Angel Hernandez focuses on Saru, who is told that he would make a fine captain by Burnham during a discussion over art. Saru ponders the possibility while taking time away from shore leave to oversee repairs to their ship. Of course, Saru finds himself at the helm when he is pulled into a rescue mission, and soon discovers that he might actually have what it takes to be a captain one day after outsmarting a band of pirates who briefly take control of the Discovery, long before he went on to take the helm for himself in the show.

Star Trek: Discovery – Aftermath

With 2019’s Star Trek Discovery: Aftermath, Kirsten Beyer, Mike Johnson and Tony Shasteen put the Klingon Empire and its inner turmoil front and center. When Chancellor L’Rell tries to broker an alliance, the peacekeeping mission comes under attack by the zealots known as the Shadow of Kahless. Thankfully, Spock is there to offer his logical input, and to evade capture long enough to rescue L’Rell before she can be carted off for a very public and gruesome execution. The bombing of the conference was enough to crash her ship headlong into the planet’s surface in retaliation. While this does take care of some of her immediate concerns, it is going to be a long-fought battle to root out the entirety of her enemies. This is also an event that leaves a deep enough impact on Spock that he finally realizes where he belongs and returns to duty aboard the Starship Enterprise.

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