
Krakoa’s Election Looks a LOT Like the Muir Island Team

In the current Krakoan election, several potential X-Men candidates were members of the same short-lived Muir Island X-Men team.

Marvel’s ongoing X-Men election offers readers the opportunity to vote for the final member of the new X-Men team. From fan-favorite New Mutants to relatively obscure X-Men allies, tThese ten mutants vary in age, powerset and experience, among other things. However, a good number of the mutants on the ballot were once part of the short-lived Muir Island X-Men.

Featuring veteran heroes like Polaris, Banshee and Forge, the Muir Island team was formed in 1989’s Uncanny X-Men #254, by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri. At the time, the main X-Men were scattered across the globe. Storm had been turned into a child and transported to Illinois, Wolverine was on the run in the Outback and the rest of the team was thrust into new lives, thanks to the mysterious Siege Perilous.

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On Muir Island, Moira MacTaggert continued her mutant research, accompanied by Banshee and several Morlocks like Sunder. Hearing a distress call from Polaris, Banshee flew off to Lorna Dane’s rescue. Returning Lorna to Muir Island, Banshee was joined by Forge, who was searching for Storm. Additionally, Brigadier Sandy Stuart and Amanda Sefton, Nightcrawler’s adoptive sister, were looking for Kurt Wagner, which brought all of these players together at Moira MacTaggert’s compound on Muir Island.

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Muir Island X-Men 1

As soon as everyone had been introduced, the Reavers invaded Muir Island, violently hunting down mutants. Immediately, everyone suited up in classic X-Men uniforms. The team consisted of Moira, Banshee, Forge, Polaris, Legion, Amanda, Sandy, Sunder and former Xavier Institute staff members Tom Corsi and Sharon Friedlander.

Most of this team didn’t even have mutant powers, so there’s a case to be made that this wasn’t technically an X-Men team. At this moment, Polaris had even temporarily lost her mutant powers of magnetism and instead had superhuman strength and invulnerability.

Despite their small roster and low power levels, the Muir Island X-Men fought valiantly to repel the Reavers’ attack. Just when things looked bleakest, Freedom Force, the former Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, arrived to assist their fellow mutants. The Reavers were defeated but at a heavy cost. By the end of the fight in , Legion had betrayed the team, Sunder was dead, and so was Freedom Force’s Destiny, the wife of Mystique.

After this battle, Banshee and Forge were the only team members who stuck together, as almost everyone else remained on Muir Island. Once Forge upgraded Muir Island’s security, the two mutants went off in search of the X-Men. When they couldn’t find Storm, Forge and Banshee returned to the X-Mansion, where they set out to rebuild their own home. In New York, the Muir Island X-Men encountered Jean Grey, helping her save Colossus and Callisto from some rogue Morlocks in Uncanny X-Men #262, by Claremont and Kieron Dwyer.

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Forge and Banshee also worked with the original X-Factor to fight off some Genoshan Magistrates, saving the amnesiac Colossus once more. Following the events of “X-Tinction Agenda,” Forge and Banshee reunited with the X-Men. The remaining Muir Island X-Men worked alongside the X-Men to save Professor X from the nefarious Warskrulls in Uncanny X-Men #275, by Claremont and Jim Lee.

When the X-Men returned to Earth, they found that Legion had been corrupted by the Shadow King, taking over the minds of everyone on Muir Island. Mutants on the island, such as Strong Guy and Multiple Man, were corrupted by the Shadow King as well. Together, the X-Men and X-Factor defeated the Shadow King. After “The Muir Island Saga,” Marvel’s Mutants saw some major changes to their team rosters. Banshee and Forge maintained supporting roles on the X-Men, while Polaris, Strong Guy and Multiple Man joined the new X-Factor.

Right now, the Krakoan election has nominated several of the Muir Island mutants for a spot on the X-Men. Banshee, Forge and Polaris all fought as Muir Island X-Men, while mutants like Strong Guy were present on Muir Island at the time.

While the Muir Island team was never really an official X-Men group, all of those mutants have served on a core X-Men team at one time or another, even in leadership positions. However, none of them has really had a chance to shine on a main X-Men team in years, and the Krakoan election seems to be giving these overlooked mutants a chance to shine as part of the next X-Men team.

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