
Justice League’s New Gods Suffer BRUTAL Deals in DC’s Bleakest Future

Two New Gods suffered terrible deaths in DC’s Future State, but what they had been reduced to prior to their deaths was even more tragic.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, Jen Bartel and Pat Brosseau, on sale now.

DC’s Future State has taken fans to dystopian city-states, new worlds inhabited by familiar heroes, and even to a very broken 31st century. But in Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #1 the darkest possible outcome for the universe is at hand. The universe has run its course, reaching the end of its natural lifespan, with entropy coming to collect its due.

But even though this was the expected outcome for the universe, it doesn’t mean its inhabitants will go gentle into that good night. And in their attempts to save what remains, Orion and Big Barda are killed, but not before debasing themselves in ways they never would consider if the situation weren’t so dire.

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At the end of the universe’s natural lifespan, the Undoing, a cosmic entity of pure destruction has been unleashed. It now consumes everything in its path and apparently started with those best equipped to handle such a force, the New Gods of New Genesis. After the benevolent world was wiped out, Big Barda and Orion both go to Apokolips, seeking to petition Darkseid for his aid in helping to stop the Undoing. Despite knowing what the threat entails, Darkseid shows no fear or concern that he is about to lose his kingdom. He simply sat on his throne and told Barda he did not concern himself with the suffering of others, least of all the New Genisisians. At that point, Orion burst into the throne room, his right arm missing as evidence of the battle he left behind. He warned of the Undoing’s arrival on Apokolips and declared the only way to survive was together. Once again, Darkseid refused to heed their warnings and watched as both his son and Barda were dragged away by the Undoing to be destroyed.

But that wasn’t even the worst part of their deaths. For people like Barda and Orion, dying in battle would probably be the way they preferred to go. But this situation was different for one simple reason: there was no evidence that the battle could be carried on without them. If they had allies they trusted, then they would absolutely sacrifice themselves for the greater good. But at that point, most of the heroes of the universe had passed away and their only recourse was Darkseid. Going to him would be the last thing either of them would consider doing.

However, as the saying goes, “desperate times call for desperate measures.” So knowing the kind of being that Darkseid was, they knew that the only hope they had of successfully appealing for his help would be to stroke his ego and perhaps even grovel a little. Barda, with Highfather of New Genesis gone, referred to Darkseid as the new Highfather, and Orion bestowed the title of “father” upon Darkseid, even though he’s never earned that right.

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For Barda and Orion, this must have been like swallowing poison. These two have arguably the most reasons to despise Darkseid, Barda was formerly one of his slaves and Orion was the son he traded away. However, in the face of total oblivion, they had to practically beg for his help and in return for this supplication, Darkseid did absolutely nothing.

To them, this was probably one last blow to them that Darkseid could mete out. He simply stood by and watched as both of them died, hearing their pleas, understanding the greater implications of their presence and request, and treating them both with enough apathy to get them killed. For two warriors as mighty as Barda and Orion, this could not have been a worse way to go. With no hope and no dignity.

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