
The High Republic’s Newest Jedi Has Rey’s Best Force Trick

The newest Jedi Knight in Star Wars: The High Republic #1 uses Rey’s best Force trick and does it better with much more impact.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Star Wars: The High Republic#1 by Cavan Scott, Ario Anindito, Mark Morales, Annalisa Leoni & VC’s Ariana Maher, on sale now.

In Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Rey used an array of new Force tricks such as teleporting objects, as she did with the lightsaber to Kylo Ren during the Palpatine finale. Another one was her being able to ‘talk’ to the Vexis serpent on Pasaana, which felt like the best trick yet as it proved how the mystical connection ran through all living beings.

And in Star Wars: The High Republic #1, the new Jedi on the block, Keeve, does the same and in the process, she saves the Starlight Beacon from being raided by space-locusts.

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When Rey did it, it really was unexpected as she had to communicate and calm the serpent down in the tunnels where they were. They were searching for Ochi of Bestoon’s clues to the Wayfinder, and Rey needed to get them out of the underground network before the snake made it cave in. While we never saw Luke teach her how to use this, it was ultimately believable as Rey was studying the sacred Jedi texts.

But with Keeve, it’s just so much better as it’s more impactful, plus her link to the beasts spreads over the galaxy and isn’t confined to just a few feet away in a cave. When Keeve realizes the insects are in a frenzy as they ambush her training session, she locks into their collective consciousness and sees through their eyes. She spots the Jedi ship in the darkness of space and discovers that from all points of the cosmos, the swarms are coming with the hive mind directing them. This allows her to divert their course using a signal on her own ship, thus saving the Jedi on the Beacon.

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Now, the fact she has to stretch her connection so wide in such a short time and isn’t drained says a lot about how talented Keeve is. This is much more than finding a wound on a snake and looking to bandage it up, and it shows how much more rigorous and expansive the training was in this era.

Again, it’s understandable for Rey as she only really spent a decent amount of time training with Leia. But if she and Luke had worked together longer, she may have been able to reach this level too. It’s actually luck in this case, because Keeve’s master, Sskeer, set all this up so she could have the ultimate test, and she proved him right. Keeve really understands the Force, and it makes sense she’s like this because the Jedi in that era loved using the mind-meld across many planets to unite as one. Even though Keeve just debuted, this action suggests that the new Jedi is quite strong and will only become stronger in the future.

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