
Two Mighty Morphin Heroes Just Betrayed the Team

As the Power Rangers scramble to stop all the threats coming their way, the team suffers two devastating betrayals.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Mighty Morphin #3 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli, and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are no stranger to betrayal. It was only recently that the Omega Rangers broke their trust, and one of their closest allies when they kidnapped Drakkon from his cell at their headquarters. While an interdimensional tyrant being on the loose is of course of great concern for the team, there are more pressing matters at hand.

The foremost issue that the Mighty Morphin team is facing at the moment is an army of Lord Zedd’s foot soldiers, imbued and empowered with Green Chaos Energy. Things don’t seem like they could get much worse, but two of the Rangers’ own are about to turn their backs on their friends in the worst of ways.

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What should have been a day in the sun with friends took a shocking turn when Lord Zedd sent his new Putty Prime to introduce itself to the Power Rangers. Even worse, almost every single person at the festival turned out to be a Putty in disguise, putting the Rangers in a potentially fatal position, especially considering one Putty alone was able to take the Green Ranger out of the fight. The Mighty Morphin team does all they can to hold their new enemies back while Zedd orders Putty Prime to hone in on Adam, the monster taking him to the ground and wrapping its clawed hands around his helmet.

As the battle rages on, the new Green Ranger is unable to hold his own against the Chaos Putties, and Billy realizes that it’s because they draw upon the same type of energy. Billy clears the Green Ranger’s way, telling them to get out of the fray and that he will tell Grace what has happened later. Aisha watches on in frustration, her suspicions now confirmed that Billy isn’t telling his teammates everything that he knows. There isn’t time to deal with that now, as the fight takes on a whole new dimension when Adam points his blaster at Tommy and shoots the White Ranger in the back. When the other Rangers turn to face him, Adam’s visor is glowing bright with Green Chaos Energy, through which he sees only grotesque monsters where his teammates stand. With the Chaos Putties at his side, Adam launches towards the other Rangers, swinging his ax wildly while taunting the threats he is perceiving. Luckily, Adam isn’t the quickest of the bunch, and Aisha knocks him out cold with a swift kick to the head just before the Rangers make their own retreat.

Back at their headquarters, Jason and Rocky discuss the issue at hand with Zordon while Billy sees to Adam’s recovery, pleading with his friend to wake up. Aisha takes the moment alone to confront Billy, asking when he was going to tell the rest of them that he knows who the Green Ranger is. Seeing Billy talk to their mysterious new ally made her realize that Billy is the one who stole the Green Dragon Power Coin from the command center and gave it to Grace Sterling. Billy doesn’t reply to Aisha’s accusations, so she goes to tell Zordon and the others what he won’t. Before she can leave, Billy stops her, begging Aisha to hear him out.

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He tells her that the secrets he has kept were all in the interest of helping, and that he needs to be the one to tell Zordon on his own terms, though she doesn’t get a chance to reply before Adam finally comes to. Adam may have been under the influence of the enemy, but Billy doesn’t have much of an excuse for keeping information from Zordon and the other Rangers. Even if the team can survive going up against a towering Mega Putty, they might not survive another betrayal of this magnitude.

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