
Blade Leads a Vampire Army in King in Black Tie-In

Marvel Comics’ Avengers #45 by Jason Aaron and Luca Maresca will tie into the events of King in Black, with Blade leading an army of vampires.

The events of King in Black have led the heroes of the Marvel Universe to make once-unthinkable choices in order to defeat the God of the Symbiotes Knull. Now, one of those choices will lead to the most unlikely of alliances in Avengers #45.

The issue, by series writer Jason Aaron and illustrated by Luca Maresca (Marvel’s Spider-Man: The Black Cat Strikes), features Blade leading an army of vampires to battle Knull’s forces. Blade will be joined by the King of Atlantis, Namor, who also has an ace up his sleeve in the form of the Black Tide.

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During King in Black #2, the Blade sought out the help of Dracula as part of Iron Man’s efforts to turn the tide against Knull. Given that the Daywalker has dedicated his life to destroying vampires, this is a rather uneasy alliance to say the least. That said, the Avengers have battled an army of vampires before, which led to Blade joining their ranks and Dracula forming a new vampire nation in the heart of Chernobyl.

The Avengers have faced a number of threats under Aaron’s pen, from corrupted Celestials to a Phoenix-powered Moon Knight. The current “Enter The Phoenix” arc features Earth’s Mightiest Heroes entering a tournament to determine who wields control of the Phoenix Force.

Written by Jason Aaron and illustrated by Luca Maresca, Avengers #45 goes on sale this April from Marvel Comics.

KEEP READING: King in Black #4 Will Launch Peach Momoko’s Demon Days Saga

Source: Marvel

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