
Future State Just Turned Nightwing Into His Deadliest Enemy

The debut of Future State: Teen Titans just had Nightwing surprisingly becoming his deadliest enemy in an attempt to help Starfire’s team.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Future State: Teen Titans #1, by Tim Sheridan, Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona. Alejandro Sanchez and Rob Leigh, on sale now.

The debut of Future State: Teen Titans doesn’t paint the best picture for Dick Grayson and his colleagues in the Future State timeline. While Dick is glad that he escaped the mess that is Gotham, Nightwing has problems of his own as he can’t seem to get on the same page with Starfire and the surviving Titans as they try to save what’s left of their world.

Unfortunately, as much as Dick tries, it seems there’s something he can’t outrun from his past and it’s all connected to his history as Red X. As a result, Dick is hoping he can get some answers as to what’s happening with the world, and the process makes Nightwing embrace the legacy of Deathstroke, his greatest enemy.

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Early in the issue, Nightwing is with Red Arrow, rummaging through the destroyed tower on Titans Island. Emiko’s heartbroken over losing her lover, Kid Flash, but Dick’s there just to pick up the H-Dial. Ironically, he finds the Red X mask he once wore, which seems to spark something cynical within him.

When they get back to base, Starfire admits their soldiers, including a damaged Cybeast, are struggling as they try to stop giants the Titans themselves unleashed. They’ve got the likes of Shazam, Crush, Jakeem Thunder and several newbies at their disposal, but these magical beings just can’t be repelled. This is where the H-Dial comes in as Starfire believes it’s their last resort. But as this occurs, Raven’s probing the mind of a prisoner in their cell, unsuccessfully. In the safe house’s sub-basement, this person wants to redeem themselves after apparently causing some deaths, but Raven doesn’t seem to trust them.

However, Nightwing does, and he eventually makes his way down to the prisoner when everyone heads off on their designated missions. There, he tells the prisoner it’s time to win one and redeem themselves no matter what, and he tells him to suit up with the Red X mask.

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Meanwhile, Dick puts on a Deathstroke mask, wearing the mask of the Titans’ greatest villain and his own personal rival. Having apparently come to respect and listen to Slade Wilson more than Batman, he claims they’re going to save Raven and stop Starfire from making a huge mistake, but hearing him say the Titans are dead is especially ominous.

Now, Nightwing seems to believe that lethal action is what’s necessary, which is why he’s moving onto this unsanctioned job, breaking the new Red X out. As for who could be under the Red X mask, it could be anyone from one of Deathstroke’s children to Damian Wayne, with who Deathstroke had a personal feud recently. What’s for certain is it seems this person wants to be close to Deathstroke, much as Red X was in the cartoon. And now, Nightwing thinks he has to embrace someone the Bat-Family hates to save what’s left of his DC future.

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