
Iron Man: Hellcat Relives Her Most HELLISH Moments

Hellcat is helping Iron Man in his battle with Korvac, and the villain has gotten into Patsy Walker’s mind and is pulling out her worst memories.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Iron Man #5, by Christopher Cantwell, Cafu, Frank D’Armata & VC’s Joe Caramagna, on sale now.

Iron Man’s most recent issue saw him put together a ragtag team of heroes to help him stop Korvac. However, everything went wrong when Iron Man’s team walked into a trap, and one of his closest allies ended up lost in her own head thanks to the villain.

Tony Stark used Hellcat as bait without letting her know because he realized that Korvac was in her head. He waited patiently until Hellcat sought out Korvac on her own. However, when the villain tried to make her help him, she reached back into her own painful memories and shut him out. Sadly, he got his revenge.

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Just as Korvac was trying to force Hellcat to follow his will, she remembered when she was getting psychiatric help for the voices in her head years ago. As a last resort, the doctor used electro-convulsive therapy to get the voices out of her head and help clear her mind. Hellcat wanted to stop Korvac’s voice from ringing in her head as they stood face-to-face in an alley, so she punched an electrical box, electrocuting herself and leaving her down and out. However, as she was unconscious on the ground, Korvac touched her and told her to feel “all her fears.”

Hellcat visions

When Iron Man reached her, she was incoherent. She was scared of the fire, saying that all the fire was here. She begged Iron Man not to let the fire touch her, and then she made a comment that explained what was happening to her at this moment. She asked “Daimon” if this was Hell and said she didn’t want to be there, begging for help. She declared her soul was dead, that she was dead. Iron Man had to leave her lying in the alley when people raced out of a building, claiming there was a bomb. It was a tragic moment, as Hellcat begged him not to leave her, not to let the fire and teeth get to her again.

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