
What Ever Happened To Marvel’s Forgotten Future Hero?

Constantly going in new directions in an attempt to possibly stick, Ravage 2099 became the most forgotten hero of Marvel’s future.

Marvel’s 2099 imprint, which lasted from 1992 to 1998, took readers to the far-flung future of the publisher’s shared universe. While initially thought to be the future of the 616 universe, it was eventually revealed to be an alternate future with an incredibly similar past. While most of the imprint’s characters, namely the incredibly popular Spider-Man 2099, were based on existing heroes and villains from Marvel Comics, there was one exception. Ravage 2099, the protagonist of the book of the same name, was a wholly original character and concept, and so far is the only version of his character to receive any mainstream presence.

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A former executive whose forced to go on the run by a corrupt corporation, Ravage 2099 traversed the seedy underbelly of his dirty and dark timeline. Created by Stan Lee and artist Paul Ryan, the grungy hero’s book would last for 33 ever-changing issues. Being divorced from an existing property allowed a greater degree of autonomy for the character, but this didn’t help him in the long run. Constantly going in new directions in an attempt to possibly stick, the book and its protagonist became the most easily forgotten parts of the 2099 lineup.

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Origin of Ravage 2099

Ravage 2099

Paul-Phillip Ravage was the CEO of ECO, which itself was a subsidiary of the monopolizing Alechamax company that was ubiquitous in the time of 2099. He eventually comes to question the company’s amoral and many times brutal methods, with his disloyal leading him to be framed for one of their numerous crimes. Going on the run with a woman named Tiana, he hid out by getting a firsthand experience in one of the dystopian ghettos which Alchemax’s machinations had created. Here, he would meet his nemesis, the irradiated Deathstryk, who planned to wage a war on normal humans.

Initially, Ravage is a fairly normal human, albeit one with relatively a relatively toned physique. His arsenal began as a kevlar suit and a telescopic lens for infra-red sight. After being exposed to mutagen himself, Ravage would develop the power to emit energy from his hands. This would later devolve further, with Ravage being able to turn into a wild beast-man. This savage persona also gave him horns on his head, as well as a far more robust physical body.

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