
Who Is Torrent, Wolverine & Storm’s Secret Wars Daughter?

In one Secret Wars-inspired reality, Wolverine and Storm ended up getting married, and the iconic X-Men even had a daughter together.

The future generation of heroes will have mighty legacies to live up to down the line, a premise often explored in the pages of Marvel comics. One world that introduced a whole host of future heroes was What If? #114 by Jay Faerber, Gregg Schigiel, Jose Marzan Jr, Chris Eliopoulos & Paul Tutrone. The story included the daughter of two of the X-Men’s most notable heroes.

Now, we’re taking a closer look at who Kendall Logan, the potential daughter of Wolverine and Storm really is, and why she might be the most powerful hero of her generation.

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Secret Wars saw some of Marvel’s most powerful heroes and villains forced to fight on a planet known as Battleworld. These fights lasted for a time, but the group eventually returned to Earth. In one reality, however, the war ended with numerous heroes and villains dead, with even cosmic beings like the Beyonder and Galactus falling in the chaos. This stranded the survivors on Battleworld. The survivors more or less adjusted to their new home, with romances forming between many of them. This gave way to a new generation, with many of their parents’ abilities. Among the couples were Wolverine and Storm, the last remaining X-Men. The pair — who’ve circled each other romantically over the years in the core Marvel Universe — finally got together. They had two children, the eldest of whom was a girl named Kendall.

Raised by her parents and under the tutelage of Charles Xavier (who now survives within an Iron Man suit that grants him the ability to walk), Kendall grows into a confident young woman. She’s also shown to be curious about Earth, speaking with Xavier often about the potential Earth had for good, as well as the persecution mutants felt from various corners of the globe. Kendall is an incredibly powerful mutant, having inherited the abilities of both her parents. She can manipulate the weather as her mother does and possesses an innate connection to nature — even proving capable of riding the air like Storm and effectively having the power of flight. It’s possible she could even be considered an Omega-level mutant if her weather manipulation is indeed as potent as her mother’s.

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