
How the Hyperion Became the Buffy Hero’s New Multiversal Headquarters

The Hyperion Hotel was a major location in the original Buffyverse, and its new incarnation might be important on a multiversal level.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Angel & Spike #16 by Zac Thompson, Hayden Sherman, Roman Titov & Ed Dukeshire, on sale now

The current incarnation of the Buffyverse has been teasing a greater multiverse of Slayers, vampires, and gods. Now, the heroes just found a major location from the original series, reimagined as a possible multiversal hotspot.

A version of the Hyperion Hotel was just introduced in the new Buffyverse, and it could prove to be the base of operations for the heroes in any future multiversal adventures.

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The Hyperion Hotel was introduced during the second season of Angel. Angel had first encountered the building in 1952, briefly staying at the Los Angeles hotel and discovering a demon had made the building its home. Feeding on the guests, Angel did his best to free the humans trapped within the hotel. But their own paranoia and hate led them to try and murder Angel instead, leading the vampire to condemn them to the demon. Eventually returning decades later as a part of Angel Investigations, Angel and his allies turned the old hotel into their base of operations.

The size of the hotel made it a useful home for various characters over the years, with the group using it until they briefly took control of Wolfram & Hart’s Los Angeles branch in the fifth and final season of the show. In the comics sequels, the group returned to the hotel during their fights against demonic powers and forces that threatened to destroy Los Angeles. The Hyperion was one of the few constants throughout Angel and the site of many of the show’s major moments. It also hasn’t had a notable role in the current incarnation of the Buffyverse, until Angel + Spike #16.

After fully embracing her full power as the Mura — a mysterious magical force that has a connection to other dimensions and allows her to see across all of her other lives through the multiverse — Fred Burkle and her allies (Angel, Spike, Gunn, Kate Lockley, and Oz) are forced to flee from a demonic horde of Wolfram & Hart employees. Rather than face the onslaught, Fred uses the powers of the Mura to remove them from the fight completely and teleport them across dimensions. They end up landing in a version of the Hyperion Hotel and are initially confused about their location, suggesting the heroes never encountered it in their home reality. Although it’s possible this is the version of the hotel from their reality, two residents of the Hyperion suggest otherwise.

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