
Superman Teases a Classic Legion of Super-Heroes Couple

In the aftermath of the battle between Red Mist and the Superman family, there’s a tease for one major romance from the Pre-Crisis DC Universe.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Action Comics #1027 by Brian Michael Bendis, John Romita Jr., Klaus Janson, Brad Anderson and Dave Sharpe & Legion of Super-Heroes #11 by Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook, Wade Von Grawbadger, Jordie Bellaire and Dave Sharpe, on sale now.

Over the years, various relationships that existed in previous DC continuities have been reset. While many of the most memorable ones were eventually were recreated in some shape or form, a classic romance from the distant future has finally gotten an apparent tease.

A minor beat in Action Comics #1027 hints at a potential new incarnation of the Supergirl/Brainiac-5 romance — if the future can survive the chaos currently erupting across the galaxy.

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The Superman family has been working together (and alongside Brainiac-5) in a bid to stop Red Mist and Marisol Leone during their last desperate attempt to bring them down. While Leone escapes, Red Mist is brought down by the combined might of the present heroes. They even threaten her with time spent in the Phantom Zone, with Brainiac-5 operating the Phantom Zone projector. After everything is said and done, Brainiac-5 thanks Superman for the chance to explore the past and to be a part of the Superman legacy.

But before he goes, Supergirl makes sure to ask if she can have an invitation to visit the Legion in the distant future at some point. Brainiac-5 casually reveals that Supergirl actually already has visited the distant future, at least from his perspective. An enthusiastic Supergirl asks for a tease of what’s to come of her time in the future, and Brainiac-5 whispers something to her that takes her by surprise — in a good way. She promises to see Brainiac-5 “there then,” and he departs back to the future with a smile on his face.

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