
One of DC’s New Wonder Woman Has a Different Lasso of Truth

DC Comics’ Future State recently revealed new details about its Womder Women, including one of the Amazonians having her own Lasso of Truth.

DC Comics’ upcoming Future State event — a two-month event that propels the DC Universe into the future beginning in January of 2021 — opens the doors for new characters to step into the roles of DC’s iconic heroes. Among those identities to have new bearers will be Wonder Woman, which will soon be held by both Nubia and newcomer Yara Flor.

DC confirmed that in Future State, Yara wields her own version of the Lasso of Truth, as revealed within DC Nation Presents DC Future State magazine. How Yara’s lasso differs from the one used by Diana is currently unknown.

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Future State won’t be the last time Yara Flor appears in DC Comics. Yara’s character will receive her own ongoing Wonder Girl series following the event, with creator Joëlle Jones returning to helm the series as an artist and writer. The new Wonder Woman will also receive a Wonder Girl TV series focused on her story, which will premiere on The CW.

Neither project has an announced release date as of yet.

As for Nubia’s character, writer L.L. McKinney — who will write the character’s feature in Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman and also wrote the upcoming Nubia: Real One young adult graphic novel — delved into her character in an interview with the magazine as well, explaining why Nubia is in Man’s World, specifically Atlanta.

“Nubia is in Man’s World because the sacred duty of the Amazons has been neglected in the years following the war,” McKinney stated. “She spent her formative years observing mortals, interacting with them under the tutelage of her Aunt Nancy. Having established a connection with this place and its inhabitants, she is keen to help them where and when she can. This is her world, and she will not abandon it.”

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“Who she is as Wonder Woman starts off with who she is as Nubia,” McKinney continued. “She knows her duty, for herself and for this world.”

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