
How an X-Force Hero Turned Wade Into an (Almost) Good Guy

Deadpool’s relationship with the X-Force leader Siryn showed the softer side of the Merc with a Mouth for the first time.

When Deadpool first appeared in The New Mutants #98 by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza, the character wasn’t the slap-happy merc’ with a mouth that he would come to be known as. Instead, Deadpool was treated as a far more serious threat, a bloodthirsty mercenary hired by Tolliver to target Cable and his newfound charges.

Deadpool remained a consistent thorn in their side as they graduated to become X-Force, and appeared frequently as an enemy. As his popularity grew, more sympathetic aspects were applied to the character, with a notable bond forming between Deadpool and one of the members of X-Force in Theresa Cassiday, Siryn, the daughter of Banshee.

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This unlikely crush on his part to set him on the path to becoming a good guy. Now, we’re taking a closer look at how his relationship with Siryn help transition Deadpool into a heroic figure within the wider Marvel Universe.

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deadpool siryn


Banshee and Siryn were forced to turn to Deadpool and help him against her nefarious uncle Black Tom when he planned to steal the mercenary’s artificial healing factor for himself. Siryn and Deadpool were drawn to each other during the course of the adventure, and Siryn even got the chance to see beneath his mask. While she was initially taken aback by his heavily scarred visage, Siryn still showed kindness to Deadpool at a time in his life when he received almost none. The moment touched Wade, and the pair promised to turn to one another if they were ever needed, such as when she called in his assistance during a solo mission to the mysterious Weisman Institute. Deadpool opened up about his feelings for her during this time, which left her confused and resistant, if somewhat tempted.

Although she was briefly forced to forget about his presence there by the telepathic Jeremy Stevens, recurring dreams about Deadpool drove Siryn back to the institute. The two worked together to escape and ended up evading capture. The pair would work together more and more as time went on, with Siryn even convincing Deadpool not to kill a captured Killebrew for fear of ruining whatever goodness she had started to see in him, even hinting that they could eventually have a romance. This prompted Deadpool to try and move on a path of heroism, setting the character up to leave behind his mercenary ways.

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