
Power Rangers: Drakkon Nearly Kills Alpha-5

As the Power Rangers prepare for war with the Empyreal, Drakkon makes his presence felt by severely damaging one of their oldest allies.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Power Rangers #1 by Ryan Parrott, Francesco Mortarino, Raul Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

After a long stint among the stars, the Omega Rangers are finally home. Jason, Zack, and Trini would all normally be overjoyed to see their friends, but this isn’t a particularly pleasant visit. They’ve come with a dire warning for the rest of the Rangers. The Empyreals are on their way, and the only person who knows anything about these powerful new foes is the last one that the Rangers would ever reach out to.

For there to be any hope of survival, the Omega Rangers are forced to break Drakkon out of his imprisonment, and in their escape, the genocidal tyrant very nearly murders Alpha 5.

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Zordon understands how serious the Omega Rangers are about the threat that the Empyreal poses, and allows them to speak to Drakkon. Even after Drakkon confirms that the Empyreal is only one of many, Zordon is insistent that he cannot release the villain into the Omega Rangers’ custody. Tommy is entirely convinced that Drakkon is only making the threat sound worse to ensure his own freedom, but the Omegas know better, having barely escaped from one Empyreal themselves. It seems that no amount of talking is going to change anyone’s mind, so Jason, Zack, and Trini take matters into their own hands.

After teleporting into the Power Rangers’ HQ and bypassing all of Zordon’s security measures, including laser grids and sentry drones, the Omega Rangers arrive at Drakkon’s cell. Jason frees him, and Drakkon is glad that they’ve decided to run from the Empyreals with him, but Jason corrects his assumption and says that they’re all going to go find the Empyreals together. Drakkon knows that the Omega Rangers are desperate and completely in over their heads, and while he and Jason banter back and forth, Alpha 5 rounds the corner to find them at exactly the wrong time.

Alpha 5, the Rangers’ robotic confidant who was there for them all the way back when they were first chosen as the Earth’s newest protectors, is now warning his old friends that he does not want to hurt them, but he will if they don’t return Drakkon to his cell. Zack and Trini try to talk to Alpha, and he knows that they believe they are doing the right thing, but so does Zordon. Begging the Omegas to respect Zordon’s wishes, the two sides come to a standstill, and so Alpha beings giving the drones an attack order. Without even finishing his command, Drakkon lays a brutal haymaker on the edge of Alpha 5’s dome. Alpha goes back into the wall, the back of his head cracking wide open, releasing a burst of energy. This infuriates Jason, who pins Drakkon to the wall while Trini and Zack check up on their crumpled friend. Drakkon tells them that Alpha is just a robot, and whether or not any permanent damage has been done doesn’t really matter when they’re already so short on time.

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