
Batman/Catwoman’s Tom King Wants the Series to Be His Dark Knight Returns

Tom King revealed that he intends for the Batman/Catwoman maxiseries to be a “story without compromise” in the vein of The Dark Knight Returns.

When it comes to Batman stories, Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns remains an inspiration for several creators. This was the case for Tom King, as his Batman/Catwoman maxiseries let him work with the Dark Knight in a new way.

“It’s a story without compromise,” King said during an interview. He went on to say, “It’s not going to be as good as Dark Knight Returns. You can’t get to that place. That’s like infinity and you try. But when I talked to Frank about that, he [said], ‘I wanted to be free and I wanted to tell my story.’ This feels like that to me. This is everything I wanted a Batman story to be. In that way, it feels ambitious.”

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Batman/Catwoman will reunite King with artist Clay Mann, who previously worked with him on Batman and Heroes in Crisis. The 12-issue maxiseries will delve into Batman and Catwoman’s shared past, present and potential future. The two must also contend with the ever-present threat of the Joker, as well as Bruce’s former lover Andrea Beaumont who has taken up the mantle of the Phantasm. King originally intended to tell the story during his run on Batman, which was meant to last for 100 issues.

Written by Tom King and illustrated by Clay Mann, Batman/Catwoman #1 goes on sale Dec. 1 from DC Comics.

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Source: EW

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