
Batman: Black and White – Karl Kerschl Shares Another Image of DC’s Next Robin

Ahead of Batman: Black and White’s return next month, artist Karl Kerschl has shared yet another look at Maps Mizoguchi as the new Robin.

With the DC Comics anthology series Batman: Black and White headed for a reboot next month, artist Karl Kerschl has shared another look at Gotham Academy‘s Mia “Maps” Mizoguchi as the new Robin.

Kerschl shared the artwork on Twitter today in order to promote his Twitch stream, on which he has been livestreaming the artistic process for his Batman: Black and White story. The uncolored piece sees Maps sporting her new costume as the Girl Wonder, eagerly hanging out the window of what we can assume to be the Batmobile.

RELATED: DC’s Batman: Black and White Anthology Series Returns in Late 2020

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Last month, Kerschl revealed that Maps would take on the mantle of Robin for his eight-page Batman: Black and White story, sharing another piece of artwork featuring the character alongside the Dark Knight himself. “This is not a drill,” he wrote on Oct. 19. “Batman: Black and White. Maps Mizoguchi Robin. It’s all happening.”

Created by Kerschl alongside Becky Cloonan and Brenden Fletcher, Gotham Academy launched in October of 2014 as part of the final wave of DC’s New 52 titles. Running for 18 issues, the series followed the character of Olive Silverlock during her time at the prestigious Gotham Academy after her mother was sent to Arkham Asylum. Olive, Maps and the rest of their friends would investigate the numerous mysterious through ought Gotham Academy, running into a few Batman supporting characters along the way, including another Robin, Damian Wayne. Gotham Academy: Second Semester launched in late 2016 under the DC Rebirth banner, running for another 12 issues and concluding in August of 2017.

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Comprised of comics each featuring a series of 8-page stories, the original Batman: Black and White launched in 1996. More new stories would later arrive when the series was relaunched for a fourth volume in 2013. Meanwhile, Volumes 2 and 3 — which came out in the interim — collected backup stories from the Batman: Gotham Knights comic book series (not to be confused with the upcoming video game), which ran from 2000 to 2006. This December’s relaunch of Black and White will be published as as six-part prestige format series and feature even more original stories. “The iconic anthology series returns with a brand-new slate of comics’ most exciting and innovative storytellers to explore the Batman mythos in stark black-and-white!” the official synopsis for issue #1 reads.

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