
Dark Multiverse Hush Introduces a New Outsiders Team

In the newest corner of the Dark Multiverse, several familiar Gotham City heroes have become a very different kind of Outsiders team.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Tales From The Dark Multiverse: Hush #1 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dexter Soy, Sergio Davila, Matt Santorelli, Ivan Plascencia, & ALW’s Troy Peteri, on sale now.

The defenders of Gotham City have long been committed to protecting their home, regardless of which reality they hail from. But in the Dark Multiverse — such as the world introduced in Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Hush #1 — these battles can have driven them to a far darker place.

For example, the Dark Multiverse just got a new incarnation of the Outsiders that transformed Gotham City’s heroes into an army of brutal street brawlers.

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Dark Multiverse Outsiders

While the upper-crust of this Gotham may live the high-life, the regular citizens have had to adjust to a far more harsh life-style. Now operating as an independent city-state, Gotham is able to operate on a more brutal level. Class war-fare grips the streets, even as the Gotham State Media does its best to keep the focus on the glitz and glamor of the upper-crust. This army of self-called Outsiders is led by Barbara Gordon. Having embraced her role as an Oracle of the people — especially after she blinded — Barabra leads the people of Gotham in part to honor the loss of her father, James Gordon.

In turns out that in this world, with no Batman to help him clean up the city, Gordon was just another person for the Court of Owls to assassinate on their way to taking complete control of Gotham. Working alongside an army of defiant Gothamites, Barabra is shown having some very notable allies — including this world’s versions of Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, and even what appears to be an incarnation of the armored Batwing. All three are shown to be far more willing to indulge in lethal measures than they would in the core-DC Universe, with Drake using knives to fell, multiple Gotham officers/soldiers.

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