
Drakkon Turns a Hero Into Dark Specter’s Emissary

A famous Red Ranger just revealed himself to be an evil emissary of the Dark Specter in Lord Drakkon’s home timeline.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Power Rangers: Drakkon New Dawn #3 by Anthony Burch, Simone Ragazzoni, Raúl Angulo, and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

Drakkon New Dawn #2 ends with the Jason of Lord Drakkon’s world regaining the strength of the Red Ranger and putting Kimberly, the Coinless Rangers, and their former sentries in more danger as space invaders approach. However, Eclipta showed up to spoil the party and Kimberly once again was forced to defend her world from evil invaders. While Kimberly and her cobbled-together forces were able to repel Eclipta’s first attack, Jason went rogue and almost cost them the entire battle. Eclipta has now grown to gargantuan heights and is making her final assault.

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And as Power Rangers: Drakkon – New Dawn reveals, an iconic former Power Ranger hero , Andros of Power Rangers in Space, now serves the Dark Specter as well and he’s waiting in the wings of Eclipta’s eventual failure.

Meanwhile, Jason is struggling with the state of his world. He pleads with his fellow Rangers to take back their Power Coins and use their abilities to restore the Morphin Grid. Eventually, Kim convinces him that it will take a lot more than just morphing into Power Rangers to fix what Drakkon has done to them. Jason briefly ponders the idea of using ALL of the Power Coins to reverse Drakkon’s work before realizing he sounded like Drakkon himself.

RELATED: Power Rangers: Drakkon Reveals the Real Strength of the Power Coins

Kim eventually devises a plant to use pieces from the Black Dragon Zord to construct another Power Coin diffuser to take the remaining morphin energy and share with the new army she has named The Shattered. While Eclipta puts up a decent fight, the Shattered eventually destroys her with the help of a dilapidated Zord shaped like Lord Zedd. The Shattered know Eclipta served the Dark Specter and there will be many more scouts on the way. But they have no idea that Andros, the former Red Space Ranger, now serves the Dark Specter.

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