
Is Lord Drakkon the New Green Ranger?

With the Power Rangers facing threats from multiple angles, the arrival of a new Green Ranger is more than welcome but who’s behind the helmet?

WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #55 by Ryan Parrott, Moises Hidalgo, Igor Monti, Sabrina del Grosso, and Ed Dukeshire, on sale now.

The Power Rangers have not been in a good place lately, no matter where they actually are. In space, they’ve been dealing with the Empyreal and planetary genocides. On Earth, they’ve been introduced to the Terrorzords, menacing beasts that have done incredible amounts of damage in a very short amount of time. As the battle rages on, the Power Rangers find themselves continually put at a disadvantage and losing ground faster than they can afford to.

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But in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #55, When things are at their worst, a new unknown ranger appears from the sidelines to put an end to things without a moment to spare. Although the identity of this Ranger isn’t revealed, they could very well be Lord Drakkon, one of the Rangers’ most fearsome foes.

Lord Zedd tricked the Power Rangers into powering the Green Chaos Crystal, which he has been using to supercharge his Dark Rangers and their Terrorzords. From Promethea, the fight is observed by Grace Sterling and her team. Over coms, Grace and Billy discuss activating something called the Green Protocol. On top of sounding ominous, the Green Protocol is something that Grace immediately has second thoughts about, reminding Billy that they can’t undo it once they’ve gone through with whatever this secret protocol is. Knowing that Grace had been working in secret to create her own Green Ranger, we can only guess that this is what the Green Protocol entails.

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Power Rangers Green Protocol

Back in the field, the Terrorzords have combined to become the Mega Terrorzord, which is every bit as horrifying as it sounds. While the Rangers do their best to prepare for the oncoming assault, Grace finds herself in a dungeon somewhere below Promethea, face to face with none other than Lord Drakkon. The two chide each other for a moment, before Grace calls Drakkon by his original name of Tommy, enraging the maniac and turning him violent. Grace waves away his idle threats and reminds him that he could still leave a legacy worth having.

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