
How Finn and Poe Helped Rey Train to Become the Last Jedi

In Star Wars: Adventures, Finn and Poe surprise Rey with a sweet gift to help her train in the ways of the Force and become the last Jedi.

WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Star Wars Adventures #1 by Michael Moreci, Ilias Kyriazis, Charlie Kirchoff, and Jake M. Wood, on sale now.

With a year set between the events of The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker, Rey finally found the time to hone her skills as a Jedi to better face Kylo Ren. But while most of her training took place under the tutelage of Leia Organa and the Jedi texts she “borrowed” from Luke Skywalker, she also possessed less traditional sources of learning.

As Star Wars Adventures #1 reveals, Finn and Poe took the initiative to try to help their friend better master her powers. Their eagerness to help gave Rey a new obstacle course, an unexpected adventure and some much-needed downtime for the trio to better connect as a team.

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Finn Poe Rey Comic

Finn and Poe had been scouting several planets for a while, trying to find one that met their bizarre criteria. They eventually settled on a moon named Noaxson, which was located in the Outer Rim. It was out of the way, not occupied by the First Order, and most importantly, geologically unstable with irregular intervals of darkness. In short, it was the perfect place for Finn and Poe’s obstacle course for Rey.

By this time, Leia had already provided Rey with a training course to use where the Resistance was in hiding, but Finn and Poe had taken the initiative to better prepare her for the coming battles. Or more accurately, they were in a hurry to speed along her training so she could join them on missions. In retrospect, it was more akin to two kids trying to help their friend with her chores so she could play with them. However, the two were still earnestly sweet in their efforts to help their friend achieve her very noble goal.

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Rey herself had her obvious reservations about a Jedi training course built by two non-Jedi. But she really couldn’t turn down the gesture because it was so sweet. Deciding to give it a test run she rushed right into it. She quickly discovered her reservations were well-founded. The course was more dangerous than she could have anticipated, and the planet was not as uninhabited as the trio initially thought.

Falling through the ground after jumping to safety, she wound up surrounded in a pirate’s den. Though Rey feebly tried to lie to the pirates, they recognized her and made to inform the First Order to collect the bounty on her head. While all this was going on, Finn and Poe were debating why Rey was taking so long, with Finn having a “feeling” she was in trouble, hinting at his Force sensitivity. But before the two could investigate, they were ambushed and captured by two pirates.

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Back in the pirate lair, Rey managed to escape, but not before a few of the pirates left to contact the First Order. This left Rey with the daunting task of completing Finn and Poe’s haphazard obstacle course to catch up to the remaining pirates.

While this is admittedly a fun little adventure Rey, Finn, and Poe had, it’s the kind of bonding experience that was essential in helping to build the rapport they have by the time of The Rise of Skywalker. Finn and Poe’s eagerness to help out shows genuine care for Rey’s personal development, as well as an admiration of the skills she could bring to resistance. At the same time, Rey appreciates their gesture enough to go through with their training course, even though it is obviously unsafe.

Overall, the story brings back the fun, jovial dynamic the trio had, but it also shows the genuine care and affection they feel for each other as they stumble from one debacle to the next.

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