
Donny Cates Teases Mysterious New Image Comics Title

Writer Donny Cates has teased a mysterious new comic book called Wereworld, which appears to be arriving soon.

Comic book writer Donny Cates has more than just the fast-approaching series Crossover coming down the pipeline at Image Comics, having now teased a new title called Wereworld.

In response to a report claiming Cates had two new Image titles — Wereworld and Flood — in the works for 2021, the writer responded, “Part of this is true. Part of it is false. I won’t say which is which. But yeah, get excited.” Shortly thereafter, however, Cates posted a first-look at Wereworld‘s art on Twitter, teasing the launch window of “October” and revealing that he will be joined on the project by artist Dylan Burnett, colorist Dean White and letterer John J. Hill. Cates shared a second piece of art from Wereworld as well, with the accompanying caption reading, “The monsters come out at night. But death rides at dawn.”

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While this teaser artwork doesn’t exactly afford too many deals regarding Wereworld‘s story, Cates assures more news regarding the title is coming soon. He also says the book will tie into his and artist Geoff Shaw’s Image Comics series God Country, albeit “in a very surprising way.”

Currently, Cates, Shaw, Dee Cunniffe and Hill are gearing up for the November launch of their Image series Crossover, which serves as a self-aware commentary on the comic book crossover events frequently published by major publishers like Marvel and DC, as well as the comic book medium as a whole.

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Written by Donny Cates and illustrated by Geoff Shaw with colors by Dee Cunniffe and letters by John J. Hill, Crossover #1 goes on sale Nov. 4 from Image Comics.

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