
X-Men’s Polaris Almost DESTROYED a Marvel Landmark

In Marvel’s latest X-Men crossover, the daughter of Magneto just shook a major Marvel multiverse landmark to the core.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for X of Swords: Creation by Jonathan Hickman, Tini Howard, Pepe Larraz, Marte Gracia, & VC’s Clayton Cowles, on sale now.

Next to other X-Men powerhouses or Omega-Level mutants, it’s easy to underestimate Polaris, the veteran mutant hero. But sometimes, the most underestimated heroes can prove capable of the most surprising feats. The X-Men are full of heroes capable of such impressive feats, which Saturnyne reminds the First Horsemen, the long-lost band of ancient mutants who have their sights set on Krakoa.

And in X of Swords: Creation #1, Polaris shows just how dangerous it can be to underestimate mutants by almost bringing down the Starlight Citadel, one of the Marvel Multiverse’s most important places, all by herself.

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As the daughter of Magneto, Polaris is one of the most powerful of the X-Men. Capable of the same magnetic control as he is, Polaris can perform some truly awe-inspiring acts of power when she calls upon it. In times of crisis, she’s been able to use her powers to push islands into space and bring down entire structures all on her own. When she’s been corrupted by the likes of Malice, she’s proven to be powerful enough to endanger the entire X-Men roster with her abilities alone.

But even given those high expectations, Polaris goes above and beyond with her latest display of power. With her mastery of magnetism, Polaris is among the most powerful mutants who ventures into Otherworld alongside Summoner and Apocalypse in X of Swords: Creation. This means she’s present when it’s revealed that the armies of Arakko reveal that they are here to wage war on Krakoa, and that the First Horsemen — and Summoner — fight beside them. In the chaos, multiple mutants are seriously wounded, and most of the team retreats to warn Krakoa. But Polaris is among the three who remain behind in Otherworld to instead confront the First Horsemen and their armies.

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Quickly surrounded, M tries to rally the observing Saturnyne to come to their aid. Using her magic, Saturnyne forces the young mutant away, despite her telepathic plea. After a suggestion from Havok, Polaris uses her powers to try and bring down the Starlight Citadel, the former base of operations of the multiversal Captain Britain Corps and the current home of Saturnyne. The Starlight Citadel is home to the Tower Omniverse, which leads to every plane of existence across the multiverse. It’s a notable landmark within Otherworld, and the former home to such powerful figures as Merlyn and Roma. Following the loss of the Captain Britain Corps in Secret Wars, the Citadel now belongs to Saturnyne and her priestess.

But despite the impressive history or any of the magical protections, it’s still constructed out of metal, making it vulnerable to Polaris and her abilities. The mutant starts to pull the Citadel down, actually succeeding for a time and sending many of the inhabitants into a panic. It’s only Saturnyne who doesn’t panic, and she instead freezes time for everyone except herself and her forces, halting the descent of the Citadel. When time is restored and Polaris is chosen as one of the speakers of the Krakoa forces, the Citadel is restored to its natural place.

Although her efforts were more amount demanding attention than outright destruction, Polaris still did something that her father would be proud of, and it allows her to be the representative who speaks for Krakoa and agree to a duel between 10 warriors from Arakko and Krakoa. By bringing down the ostensible center of the multiverse on her own, Polaris reasserts herself as a force of nature to be reckoned with, especially if there’s plenty of metal nearby.

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