
Joker War Is Paving the Way for a Key Part of Batman Beyond’s World

Joker War is changing Gotham City’s landscape, teasing the possible emergence of a classic element from Batman Beyond.

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for “Family Ties” in Batman: Joker War Zone #1, by John Ridley, Olivier Coipel, Matt Hollingsworth and Deron Bennett, on sale now. 

The ongoing “Joker War” storyline has resulted in sheer pandemonium throughout Gotham City. Batman’s hometown has been rendered virtually unrecognizable in the wake of pure destruction and terror.

The chaotic violence, perpetrated by Gotham’s criminals, may establish a precedent for the Jokerz from Batman Beyond.

Currently, Gotham is under siege by all of its criminals, hired by the Joker. After stealing Bruce Wayne’s fortune, the Clown Prince of Crime paid Gotham’s worst to work for him, even providing them with the weapons and vehicles from Batman’s arsenal.

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The Joker’s new workforce then proceeded to tear up the city with no rhyme or reason to their madness. Indeed, every action which these criminals take is an act of chaos, killing civilians, setting things on fire, vandalizing buildings and generally destroying the city.

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In “Family Ties” by John Ridley and Olivier Coipel, the Joker’s men also target the Fox family. After Catwoman recovered some of Wayne’s stolen fortune, she delivered it to Lucius Fox. Almost immediately, the Joker’s gang burst into the Fox home, dressed in clown masks and demanding the money be returned to the Joker. This act demonstrates a cult-like following of the Joker, one which could potentially leave a lasting impact on Gotham.

Batman Beyond showcases a possible future in which the Joker’s legacy lives on. In the year 2040, there are many gangs who pay tribute to the Clown Prince of Crime, referring to themselves as the “Jokerz.” Much like the criminals in “Joker War,” the Jokerz generally cause terror, destruction and chaos in Gotham, honoring the Harlequin of Hate in their own way.

Of course, the Jokerz are divided into different factions, with nearly 200 separate gangs. Some of the Jokerz are relatively harmless, merely playing practical jokes and vandalizing the city. Yet other factions are much more dangerous, committing extortion and murder for their own twisted amusement. The chaos caused by the Jokerz is a large reason why Terry McGinnis became the new Batman of this time.

The most well-organized and lethal version of the Jokerz, however, came when the original Joker returned, placing his mind in Tim Drake’s body. This gang included the granddaughters of Harley Quinn and several cyborgs, mutants and strong-men, all highly trained for combat and dedicated to the Joker.

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Within the Joker’s current organization, it seems that the seeds are being planted for the Jokerz’ creation. The criminals of “Joker War” commit much of the same crimes as the Jokerz, including extortion, murder, vandalism and general mayhem. Much like the Jokerz, these criminals are also dressing in clown masks to pay tribute to their leader.

Still, this gang is currently acting under the Joker’s direct orders, as opposed to the Jokerz, who act out of inspiration from the Clown Prince of Crime. The Joker won’t live forever, though, and as soon as he goes, he could become a martyr for his henchmen. From the ashes of his former gang, the Jokerz could then arise, preserving the Joker’s psychotic legacy. Without the Joker, this gang would also likely fall apart, splitting into different factions like in Batman Beyond‘s future.

Ultimately, if Batman is unable to put a stop to the Joker’s gang in “Joker War”, their chaotic antics could linger on for years, eventually morphing into the Jokerz. Even if Batman does stop the Joker in this storyline, the damage could already be done. Indeed, the Joker’s plans may be foiled, but the acts he’s already committed could inspire criminals for generations to come.

“Joker War” is a high-stakes affair, the outcome of which could determine the future of Gotham City itself.

KEEP READING: Batman: [SPOILER] Vows to End the Joker War By Any Means

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