
A Justice League Villain Joins the Battle Against Perpetua

In Dark Nights: Death Metal: Multiverse’s End #1, a Justice League villain joins the battle against Perpetua, and they make a huge sacrifice.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Dark Nights: Death Metal: Multiverse’s End #1 by James Tynion IV, Juan Gedeon, Mike Spicer and Rus Wooton, on sale now.

In Death Metal, Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman have gone into the Dark Multiverse in an attempt to collect the Anti-Crisis Energy needed to defeat Perpetua and save all of reality. But they aren’t the only heroes fighting in this cosmic battle. In Dark Nights: Death Metal: Multiverse’s End #1, we find the Earth-based Green Lanterns and the Justice Incarnate scattered on five parallel Earths that are home to Cosmic Tuning Forks that give Perpetua the power she needs to destroy the Multiverse.

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The situation becomes increasingly dire in Multiverse’s End. But thankfully, the superheroes get help from one of their more twisted and dangerous villains: Owlman.

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Owlman Death Metal

Owlman is a member of the Crime Syndicate, an evil version of the Justice League which hails from Earth-3. The supervillains famously invaded the main DC Universe in the 2013 event, Forever Evil, as part of the New 52 era. Owlman is essentially the dark and twisted version of Batman. The New 52 version of Owlman died in the final days of the New 52 when Doctor Manhattan obliterated him at the end of Justice League: Darkseid War.

But now, Owlman is back in Multiverse’s End #1.

At the start of Multiverse’s End, Owlman has already caught John Stewart. He explains to him that although his Earth-3 has joined Perpetua, he’s not 100% on board with her plan. He fears that if she wins, he will ultimately lose — and he’s not exactly wrong either. We know that she intends to wipe out the entire Multiverse and remake it in her image. Whatever she promised Owlman, it’s possibly a lie — and he knows that is a strong likelihood.

Therefore, he asks Green Lantern to convince him to join his side. That’s quite an invitation, given that Owlman is easily one of the worst villains to have faced the Justice League. Now, he’s considering joining them, even though he still considers them beneath him.

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