
Juggernaut’s Armor and Helmet Are Very Powerful

The Juggernaut only cares about one thing in this world, and the Marvel villain just gave that cherished item away to get himself out of a tight spot.

WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Juggernaut #1 by Fabian Nicieza, Ron Garney, Matt Milla, and Joe Sabino, on sale now.

The Juggernaut is often seen as a simple, mindless tank of an X-Men character. Most of the time, people fail to see the real nuance behind the character of Cain Marko. However, the unstoppable anti-hero recently demonstrated a layer of vulnerability, revealing just how much he values his mystical Juggernaut armor.

In Juggernaut #1, by Fabian Nicieza and Ron Garney, Marko revealed just how much he values his armor’s powerful gifts. During flashbacks, when Marko is trapped in limbo, the powerless Juggernaut muses over his armor’s significance. The anti-hero longs to be reunited with his mystical protector, even talking to his helmet.

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As soon as Marko reaches the exit to limbo, he is forced to sacrifice “what’s come before” for “the path forward.” Finally, Marko acknowledges that his armor is the only thing that’s truly mattered to him, relinquishing his treasured possession in order to leave.

This sacrifice is a humanizing moment for Marko, who recognizes the one meaningful aspect of his life. More importantly, this moment illustrates how important the armor is in making Marko feel whole. Marko is willing to part with his previous symbol of his power just so he can reclaim the Gem of Cyttorak and regain the feelings of invulnerability that come with being the Juggernaut.

As Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Alex Toth revealed in X-Men #12,  Juggernaut’s armor originates from the magical Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. The creator of this gem, Cyttorak himself, is one of eight beings possessing great magical power. Cyttorak, along with his colleagues, created his own totem, sending a human emissary to create a temple for this artifact on Earth.

Anyone who touches the gem turns into an unstoppable Juggernaut, with enhanced strength and stamina. Additionally, the wearer needs no food, water, sleep or even air to breathe. The armor’s helmet also shields its wearer from psychic attacks. Cain Marko originally discovered the gem in its cave, transforming into the unstoppable Juggernaut. Marko gained all of the aforementioned abilities and was able to summon the armor on his body at will.

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